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This function projects a point from one coordinate system to another. If NULL is passed for either projection parameter, the current view/export projection will be used. This function provides an easy way to convert from latitude/longitude coordinates (or coordinates in any other supported projection) to any other projection, including the current view projection.

For examples on how to set up projection definitions, see the documentation for the GM_SetProjection function.

GM_Error_t32 GM_ProjectPoint


double                  aXIn,       // IN: X coordinate of input point

double                  aYIn,       // IN: Y coordinate of input point

double*                 aXOut,      // OUT: X coordinate of output point

double*                 aYOut,      // OUT: Y coordinate of output point

const GM_Projection_t*  aProjIn,    // IN: projection to convert from (NULL for current)

const GM_Projection_t*  aProjOut    // IN: projection to convert to (NULL for current)
