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GM_LoadTerraServerLayer (DEPRECATED)

NOTE: This function is now DEPRECATED. Please use GM_LoadOnlineLayer instead.

Loads data from the TerraServer, including DRG, DOQ, and urban area imagery. If either the aThemeName or aLatLonRect values are NULL, a dialog will be displayed asking the user which theme and bounds to load.

Valid theme names are as follows:

  • "DRG" - USGS DRG scanned topographic maps
  • "DOQ" - USGS DOQ grayscale aerial imagery with 1 meter resolution
  • "UrbanArea" - NIMA/USGS high resolution color imagery

The layer handle returned in aLayer must be freed with a call to GM_CloseLayer when the caller is done using it.

GM_DLL_EXPORTED GM_Error_t32 GM_LoadTerraServerLayer


const char*             aThemeName, // in: name of the theme to load ("drg", "doq", etc.) or NULL to ask user

const GM_Rectangle_t*   aLatLonRect,// in: lat/lon rect to import (NULL to ask user)

GM_LayerHandle_t32*     aLayer      // out: handle to loaded TerraServer layer
