Click or drag to resize


Draws one or more layers to the provided memory buffer at the given location. If aWorldBounds is not NULL, at least the specified area will be drawn. The aspect ratio of the screen pixels will be maintained, so slightly more of the world bounds than specified may be drawn. If aWorldBounds is NULL, the entire specified layer or all of the loaded layers will be rendered.

GM_Error_t32 GM_DrawLayerListToMemory


GM_LayerHandle_t32*     aLayerList,     // List of layers to draw or NULL for all

uint32                  aLayerCount,    // Number of layers in list (0 for all)

GM_DrawFlags_t32        aDrawFlags,     // Flags controlling how the draw is performed

const GM_Rectangle_t*   aWorldBounds,   // World bounds to draw or NULL for all

GM_ColorFormat_t32      aColorFormat,   // Color format used in data buffer

sint32                  aPixelWidth,    // Width in pixels to draw

sint32                  aPixelHeight,   // Height in pixels to draw

void*                   aDataBuf,       // Buffer to hold output color data

sint32                  aRowWidthBytes  // Width of a single row in the array in bytes
