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Calculates elevation statistics from loaded elevation data within a provided bounding polygon at a provided spacing.

GM_DLL_EXPORTED GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_CalcAreaElevStats


GM_LayerHandle_t32*         aLayerList,     // IN: List of layers to use or NULL for all

uint32                      aLayerCount,    // IN: Number of layers in list (0 for all)

GM_AreaElevStats_t*         aElevStats,     // OUT: Calculated area statistics

const GM_Point_t*           aAreaPoints,    // IN: List of points in area in global coordinate system

uint32                      aNumPoints,     // IN: Number of points in aAreaPoints

double                      aXSpacing,      // IN: Sample spacing in the x direction in global units (use 0.0 to get a good default)

double                      aYSpacing,      // IN: Sample spacing in the y direction in global units (use 0.0 to get a good default)

void*                       aReserved       // IN: Reserved for future use, must be NULL
