Click or drag to resize


Generates a new raster image from a bitmap handle. The new raster image will have the same number of pixels as the bitmap. The aFormat parameter specifies what image format to use for the new raster. If aWorldBounds is not NULL, the provided bounds will be used to fill in the spatial information for the new file, if supported by the new file format.

GM_Error_t32 GM_ExportRasterFromBitmap


const char*                 aFilename,      // Name of new file to create

HBITMAP                     aBitmap,        // Handle to bitmap to export

HDC                         aDC,            // Handle to compatible device context

GM_RasterExportFormat_t32   aFormat,        // Format to export

const GM_Rectangle_t*       aWorldBounds,   // World bounds of bitmap or NULL for empty

GM_RasterExportFlags_t32    aFlags          // Export flags
