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Generates contours from loaded elevation data and creates a new vector layer with the results. The layer handle returned in aContourLayer must be closed with GM_CloseLayer when you are done with it.

See the definition of the GM_ContourParams_t type in the GlobalMapperInterface.h header file for a description of what options are available when generating the contour lines, iso-height areas, and/or min/max spot elevations.

GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_GenerateContours


GM_LayerHandle_t32          aLayer,         // IN: Layer to get elevations from or NULL for topmost layer at each point

const GM_ContourParams_t*   aContourParms,  // IN: Parameters for generating contours

GM_LayerHandle_t32*         aContourLayer   // OUT: Created contour layer

GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_GenerateContoursEx


GM_LayerHandle_t32*         aLayerList,     // IN: List of layers to use or NULL for all

uint32                      aLayerCount,    // IN: Number of layers in list (0 for all)

const GM_ContourParams_t*   aContourParms,  // IN: Parameters for generating contours

GM_LayerHandle_t32*         aContourLayer   // OUT: Created contour layer
