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Searches the provided list of layers for any visible vector features within the provided search distance (aMaxDistPixels) of the pixel search location (aPixelSearchPt). The aFindFlags parameter specifies what types of features to search on.

GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_FindNearestFeatures


const GM_Point_t*       aPixelSearchPt,     // IN: Search location in pixel coordinates

GM_LayerHandle_t32*     aLayerList,         // IN: List of layers to search or NULL for all vector layers

uint32                  aLayerCount,        // IN: Number of layers in list (0 for all)

GM_FindFlags_t32        aFindFlags,         // IN: Flags controlling how the find is performed

const GM_Rectangle_t*   aWorldBounds,       // IN: World bounds for search space or NULL for last drawn

const GM_PixelRect_t*   aPixelRect,         // IN: Pixel bounds for search space or NULL for last drawn 

GM_FoundFeature_t*      aNearestFeatures,   // OUT: List of nearest features

uint32                  aMaxFeatures,       // IN: Max number of nearest features to find

uint32*                 aFoundFeatureCnt,   // OUT: Number of nearest features returned in list

uint32                  aMaxDistPixels      // IN: Max distance in pixels to search
