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Sets an advanced/miscellaneous option to use during operation. Returns the previous value. See definition of GM_MiscOpt_t32 type for a list of available options and their descriptions. Note that the GM_SetMiscOption function is deprecated as it can't handle options that take values over 8 bits in length, like GM_MiscOpt_SetLogFilename and GM_MiscOpt_SetTimingsFileName. You can use GM_SetMiscOptionEx for all options, just cast them to void*. The filename values take a const char*. For on/off options you can also use the special value GM_MiscOptVal_Toggle to toggle the value to the opposite of the current value.

If you just want to get the current value of an option and not change it, use GM_GetMiscOption.

GM_DLL_EXPORTED uint8 __stdcall GM_SetMiscOption


GM_MiscOpt_t32  aOpt,       // IN: Option to set

uint8           aNewValue   // IN: New value (i.e. 1 to enable or 0 to disable), or value of other setting

GM_DLL_EXPORTED void* __stdcall GM_SetMiscOptionEx


GM_MiscOpt_t32  aOpt,       // IN: Option to set

void*           aNewValue,  // IN: New value (i.e. 1 to enable or 0 to disable), or value of other setting, including possibly pointer

void*           aReserved   // IN: Reserved for future use, must be NULL
