Click or drag to resize


Exports a component of the currently setup map layout (use GM_LoadMapLayoutFile to load a layout definition) to a bitmap (BMP) file. The bounding box and pixel dimensions that you specify are the same as you would provide to the GM_DrawLayerList function and are used to determine the pixel size that the BMP file will use. If you always call this after a draw, just pass in NULL for the world bounds and 0 for both pixel dimensions.

GM_DLL_EXPORTED GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_ExportMapLayoutComponent


const char*             aFilename,      // in: name of bitmap file to save to

GM_MapLayoutPiece_t8    aPiece,         // in: which piece of the map layout to save

const GM_Rectangle_t*   aWorldBounds,   // in: World bounds to use for rendering layout or NULL for last drawn

sint32                  aPixelWidth,    // in: Width in pixels of FULL RENDER SCREEN (NOT LAYOUT PIECE) to use for generating map layout. Use 0 for last drawn.

sint32                  aPixelHeight,   // in: Height in pixels of FULL RENDER SCREEN (NOT LAYOUT PIECE) to use for generating map layout. Use 0 for last drawn.

void*                   aReserved       // reserved for later use, must be NULL
