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Calculates the location of a new point projected from a start point along a given bearing. The input and output points can either be specified as lat/lon values or in the current projection.

GM_DLL_EXPORTED GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_CalcProjectedLocation


double  aFromX,     // IN: start X/longitude coordinate

double  aFromY,     // IN: start Y/latitude coordinate

double  aBearing,   // IN: bearing in degrees to project along (0 is north, 90 is east, 180 is south, 270 is west)

double  aDist,      // IN: distance to project along bearing in meters

double* aToX,       // OUT: stop X/longitude coordinate

double* aToY,       // OUT: stop Y/latitude coordinate

boolean aLatLon     // IN: TRUE - coordinates are lat/lon, FALSE - coordinates are in the current projection
