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Sets when the layers in a map catalog should be displayed. The aDisplayValue and aDisplayValue2 parameters have the following meanings based on the value of aDisplayType:

  • GM_MapCatalog_DisplayTypePercent - aDisplayValue is percent of view window that a layer has to take up before it is shown
  • GM_MapCatalog_DisplayTypePixelSize - aDisplayValue is the size in meters that a single pixel in the display window should be before any layers are displayed
  • GM_MapCatalog_DisplayTypeScale - aDisplayValue is the denominator of the scale value (e.g. 100000.0 for 1:100K). Layers in the catalog will be drawn whenever the calculated scale value for the draw window is at or below the specified value.
  • GM_MapCatalog_DisplayTypeScaleRange - aDisplayValue and aDisplayValue2 specify a range of scales between which to draw the layers in the catalog. For example, to draw the layers when the scale for the draw window is between 1:50K and 1:250K, use values of 50000.0 and 250000.0.
GM_Error_t32 GM_MapCatalogSetDisplayInfo


GM_LayerHandle_t32          aCatalogLayer,  // IN: Handle to map catalog layer (either from loading or GM_CreateMapCatalog)

GM_MapCatalogDisplayType_t8 aDisplayType,   // IN: Controls when layers in catalog are displayed

double                      aDisplayValue,  // IN: First value related to display type

double                      aDisplayValue2, // IN: Optional econd value for range of scales (use 0.0 if doesn't apply)

boolean                     aHideBounds     // IN: Hide layer bounds when not drawing a layer?
