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Retrieves a Lidar point feature from the given layer. The indexes should be in the range [0, GM_LayerInfo_t.mNumLidarPoints). Returns an error if the layer does not contain a Lidar point feature at the given index or if a valid license was not found and aPointIndex was greater than GM_MAX_NON_REGISTERED_VECTOR_IDX.

GM_Error_t32 GM_GetLidarPoint


GM_LayerHandle_t32      aLayer,             // IN: Layer to get point from

uint64                  aPointIndex,        // IN: Index of Lidar point feature to retrieve

GM_LidarPoint_t*        aLidarPoint,        // OUT: Lidar point to fill in

GM_GetFeatureFlags_t32  aFlags,             // IN: Flags for fetching Lidar point

void*                   aReserved           // IN: Reserved for future use, must be NULL
