Click or drag to resize


Adds or removes a Lidar point feature at the given index from the layer.

Caution note Caution
Note this will close any active iterator on the query, resetting the position of the GM_GetNextLidarQueryPoints call. You can add/remove points from an existing Lidar query created with either the GM_CreateEmptyLidarQuery or GM_CreateLidarQuery functions.
GM_DLL_EXPORTED GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_AddRemovePointToLidarQuery


GM_LidarQueryHandle_t   aLidarQuery,        // IN: Lidar query to update

GM_LayerHandle_t32      aLayer,             // IN: Layer point to add/remove

uint64                  aPointIndex,        // IN: Index of Lidar point feature to update

boolean                 aAddPoint           // IN: Add or remove point?
