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Retrieves a list of elevations along a path in the provided layer or from the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).

GM_DLL_EXPORTED GM_Error_t32 GM_GetPathProfile


GM_LayerHandle_t32      aLayer,     // IN: Layer to get elevation from or NULL for topmost

double                  aStartX,    // IN: Start X coord in current projection

double                  aStartY,    // IN: Start Y coord in current projection

double                  aEndX,      // IN: End X coord in current projection

double                  aEndY,      // IN: End Y coord in current projection

float*                  aElevList,  // OUT: Buffer to hold list of elevations

uint32                  aListSize,  // IN: Number of elevations to retrieve

float                   aDfltElev   // IN: Elev to use when none could be found
