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Same as GM_SetAreaFeaturePointList except that you can now also pass a list of per-vertex elevations to use for the area.

GM_Error_t32 GM_SetAreaFeaturePointListEx


GM_LayerHandle_t32      aLayer,             // Layer the area is in

uint32                  aAreaIndex,         // Index of area in layer

uint32                  aHoleIndex,         // Index of hole to apply locations to (0 for main parent area, 1 for first hole, etc.)

const GM_Point_t*       aPointList,         // New list of points for area

uint32                  aPointCount,        // Number of points in list (must be >= 3)

boolean                 aPosInLayerCoords,  // Are the position in the layer coordinate system or the current coordinate system?

const float*            aElevList           // IN: Per-vertex elevations for area feature, or NULL for none
