December 10, 1999
We are very pleased to announce the release of GeoObjects 2.5.
Key new features include:
- Flexible specification of field name attribute
You can select the primary attribute field among the available data fields in a bound database. Thematically shade and automatically label features based on the selected primary attribute field name. The primary field name attribute is also returned by any of the GeoObjects query methods. - Automatic point and polygon labeling
GeoObjects 2.5 automatically labels point and polygon features based on any attribute property in the bound database. - Additional query methods
Select objects “closest to point”, “within a rectangle”, “within a radius”, and “within an arbitrary polygon feature”.
GeoObjects 2.5 also contains numerous other enhancements and optimizations.
Our GeoObjects 2.1 Free Competitive Upgrade has been hugely successful! Several hundred MapX and MapObjects developers have upgraded to GeoObjects 2.1. We’ve learned a lot from talking to ESRI and MapInfo customers. We added many new features in version 2.5 based on your feedback.
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