The All-in-One Geospatial Data Conversion API
GeoCore Software Development Kit® (SDK) provides developers with the ability to embed powerful coordinate transformation and extensive file format translation capabilities into their geospatial software application. GeoCore includes the proven GeoCalc® SDK along with the ability to handle both raster and vector file format and geometry manipulation.
The All-in-One Geospatial Data Conversion API
GeoCalc is a fully object-oriented Class Library for software developers. It relies upon an XML data source, contains EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group), and provides support for WKT (well-known text). GeoCalc includes new tools for improving data quality management from a development level and supports a variety of development environments and platforms. In addition, GeoCalc supports your custom definitions and thus any other coordinate system database.
Available Options:
Easily add feature manipulation to your custom application. With this tool kit, users can read and write many of today’s most popular GIS vector file formats. Users are also granted direct access to a wide variety of geometry objects, which can be created and manipulated on-the-fly. Along with these geometry objects, users are granted access to the metadata and attributes that are commonly associated with these geometries.
GeoTranslate is available for Windows and Linux, allowing you to create your application in your preferred development environment.
When it comes to raster image file transformation, manipulation, and translation, GeoTransform is the toolkit you need. With this library, users can read, write, compress, and manipulate many of today’s standard GIS raster image file formats, including non-visual raster datasets such as DEMs, DTEDs, and raster binary grids. There is even functionality available to render images to a standard Window handle. The SDK also adds powerful mosaicking and tiling capabilities to the single image transformation interface from previous releases. Clipping interfaces allow you to manage, manipulate, and process large datasets like never before.
GeoTransform is one of the fastest raster reprojection and translation tools available. Embed this technology in your product or project and gain the ability to reference, reproject, and compress imagery on the fly.
These libraries work seamlessly with our GeoCalc libraries so you can enhance your reprojection capabilities and base them on the largest commercially available coordinate conversion data source, which includes the latest EPSG database and more. Together, these technologies add up to a very robust and effective raster image processing solution.
The latest GeoCore SDK features include:
Geographic Calculator Suite
A comprehensive suite of powerful coordinate conversion and datum transformation tools for geodetic professionals.
Powerful, Consistent, and Reliable
The GeoCalc Geodetic Registry is an online library of the mathematical parameters used for coordinate transformation and positioning for all of Blue Marble Geographics' software solutions
Geodetic Calculation & Transformation
The GeoCalc Software Development Kit® (SDK) is a fully object-oriented class library designed for GIS professionals and software developers. This sophisticated and precise coordinate transformation toolkit allows developers to embed our technology into their custom geospatial software.
Powerful, Consistent, and Reliable
The GeoCalc Geodetic Registry is an online library of the mathematical parameters used for coordinate transformation and positioning for all of Blue Marble Geographics' software solutions
Download a trial of Geocore SDK today!