June 1, 1997

Missouri Department of Conservation Using Blue Marble Geographics Components for Deer Tracking and Management

Blue Marble delivered three of its powerful development tools to the Missouri Department of Conservation, an agency that routinely employs “new technologies” to solve every day problems.

GeoView 4.0 “Open Data” Intelligent Mapping Engine will form the basis for the Department of Conservation system to manage the impending deer herd problem surrounding built up areas and airports. Integrating the Geographic Tracker, the programmable Blue Marble GPS interface with GeoView provides Missouri DOC the capability to perform telemetry tracking, triangulation and map the ellipses formed by the movement habits of the radio-collared deer and other animals. Another embeddable and reusable Blue Marble Component, GeoCalc, serves as a coordinate conversion library whenever GPS information needs to be delivered to an application in any definable system.

“Rapid and personal technical support has been incredibly helpful,” commented Joel Sartwell of Missouri DOC. “By embedding Blue Marble components, we are presented with a great opportunity here at the DOC to streamline field operations to eliminate tedious field work.”;

Learn more about Blue Marble Geographics online at http://www.bluemarblegeo.com.

Companies using Blue Marble’s geospatial technology