May 30, 2008

Blue Marble’s Geographic Transformer Pricing Reduced by 1/3rd During June

Gardiner, Maine — May 30, 2008 – Blue Marble Geographics ( is pleased to announce that customers who purchase the Geographic Transformer during the month of June will be offered a discount of 33%. The Geographic Transformer is a powerful raster referencing, reprojection, mosaicking and tiling tool with excellent file format translation and compression support. Blue Marble’s geospatial data manipulation and conversion solutions are used worldwide by thousands of GIS analysts at software companies, universities, oil and gas companies, civil engineering, surveying, technology, enterprise GIS groups, government and military organizations.

This special promotional offer is in anticipation of the next major version of the Geographic Transformer, slated for release later this summer. Geographic Transformer 6.0 will feature a complete rewrite of the underlying GeoTransform library, along with the newest version of GeoCalc. These tools will be seated under a brand new application interface that will feature a new look and feel for the software, consistent with Geographic Calculator 7.0, released in November 2007. Version 6.0 will have enhanced image viewers, dockable windows, and new organizational tools such as workspaces and job management options. Improved memory resource allocation for faster image reprojection leverages the new dual core technology available in most new computers and provides the user more information on processing status.

Geographic Transformer 6.0 introduces a transform tab that has been streamlined for ease of use, while providing more powerful tools for complex coordinate conversion and higher order polynomial transformation models up to 6th order. The mosaicking and tiling interfaces will feature new cropping tools and a user-friendly visual interface that is both intuitive and powerful; mosaicking will be unlimited.

Geographic Transformer 6.0 will be available with an interface similar to the Geographic Calculator, providing a user-friendly environment for complex data definition and transformation projects. Most enhancements available in Calculator 7.0, including administrative tools for managing collaboration and quality control, will be available in the new version of the Geographic Transformer. Version 6.0 will be available free to Transformer customers with current annual support and update subscriptions.

About Blue Marble Geographics: Blue Marble Geographics of Gardiner, Maine is a leading developer and provider of geographic software products that provide sensible solutions for users and developers of geographic data. Blue Marble has been writing GIS software tools and solutions for 15 years and currently serves hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. Learn more at

Kris Berglund
Blue Marble Geographics

Gardiner, ME, USA

800-616-2725 / 207-582-6747

Companies using Blue Marble’s geospatial technology