February 12, 1999

Blue Marble brings real-time GPS into ArcView

Blue Marble Geographics announces the release of the Geographic Tracker AVX. This ArcView extension brings real-time GPS to ESRI desktop GIS users in an affordable and easy to use product. Use this extension to display your current position, perform event-based processing, display messages, or extend the functionality to fit your needs.

The Geographic Tracker AVX provides a link from Blue Marble Geographics’ stand alone Geographic Tracker program to ArcView GIS. The Geographic Tracker AVX provides several options for querying theme data using the current GPS position. The query results are displayed in a floating message window. Application developers can build custom additions to the Geographic Tracker AVX with access to the applications’ variables and functions. Avenue programmers can access all of the extension’s variable values and can add unlimited new functionality to the standard interface.

Blue Marble products provide simple and elegant solutions to your compelling problems

Learn more about the Geographic Tracker AVX online at http://www.bluemarblegeo.com.

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