Lidar Processing Training
Tue Dec 5, 2023 - Thu Dec 7, 2023
Blue Marble is pleased to offer both new and experienced users of Global Mapper the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the software by attending an instructor-led, web-based training program.
The Lidar Processing training course will be delivered over several days, during which attendees will have an opportunity to see the instructor’s screen, follow written workflows in the accompanying training manual, and ask questions as needed.
The 9-hour Lidar Processing class will explore all aspects of lidar processing from initial data quality assurance to 3D analysis. The class will introduce the structure and characteristics of lidar data before following a series of workflows that demonstrates the point cloud visualization, editing, and analysis capabilities of the software.
All attendees who successfully complete both the Global Mapper and Lidar Processing training (24 hours of training) will be issued an official certificate of completion and will be recognized as Certified Global Mapper users.
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