Margins Margins Margins Margins Text Element Scale Bar Map Legend Image Element

Map Layout Editor

Selecting the Map Layout Editor... menu item from the Tools menu, or using the Map Layout toolbar button displays the New Layout Options dialog (below).

Prior to setting up the cartographic features, or Map Layout Elements , the Map Layout must first be defined in the options dialog at the top of this page. Map Layout definitions include; Paper Size, Bounds, and Scale and are used to both set up the print size of your map, and the spatial extent of the workspace it will include. Please see Defining a Map Layout for more information on setting up the definitions used for creating a Map Layout or a Map Layout Template. Use the Go to Configuration Display Options to edit the layout setting for the workspace.

General steps for creating a Map Layout:

  1. Load your data into the workspace, analyzing, labeling, and creating any features or symbols you would like present as part of the map data.

  2. Define the extent and size of your map by setting up the paper size, data bounds, and/or scale in the Map Layout Editor Options dialog. You modify this later by editing the Map View Element

  3. In the Map Layout Preview add the desired Map Layout Elements (scale bar, elevation legend, title, etc.) Once added, Map Layout Elements may be edited by selecting with the mouse and right-clicking, or by using the Map Layout Element Control Center. Map Elements are not limited to cartographic elements. For example, any charts, graphs, 3D views that you have saved as an image may be added as an Image Element. Elements can also be grouped.

  4. Add new pages for additional maps, or create a Map Book that auto generates pages using the current layout or a template.

  5. Print or publish your map. Once the Map Layout is arranged to your satisfaction, the Map Layout Editor may be printed to a connected printer or exported to Geospatial PDF. Printing options available will depend on the printer driver(s) available on your machine. It may be possible to make further adjustments to color and DPI settings, and you will want to verify that any page size selected in the Map Layout Definitions is also supported by your printer driver and hardware. For printing a larger poster on a series of smaller sheets to be stitched together, use the export to PDF as Mosaic.

Once you have setup the Map Layout Options, click 'OK' to open the Map Layout Editor (below). This is where Map Layout Elements such as the scale bar, elevation legend, margins, map legend and north arrow are added to the Map Layout. Click on the Map Layout Editor window below for more information on the Map Layout Editor.

In the upper left corner of the Map Layout Editor window are both menu and toolbar options for use in editing and adding elements to the Map Layout, in addition to loading or saving a new or existing Map Layout or Map Layout Template. Click on the image above to go to a description of the Map Layout Menu or Toolbar option.

Map Layout Editor Toolbar

There are also map layout and element editing and creation tools available in the Map Layout Menu Options.

Selecting and positioning Map Layout Elements

If the margin is currently selected, then the current selection of the margin must be cleared prior to selecting a Map Layout Element for resizing or repositioning. This may be achieved by hitting the ESC button, or by left-clicking outside of the margin boundaries. To manually change the position of an element, select the element with your mouse and drag to move it - or use one of the right-click options to align elements with margins or other elements.

The size of an element may also be changed using your mouse, to lock the aspect ration of an element, use one of the corner nodes. To increase the size of a selected element in one direction only, use a node on the side. Holding the SHIFT button down while dragging the side or corner of an element will also disable the aspect ration lock.

Keyboard Shortcuts:

The Map Layout Template allows you to save and reuse specific settings for the cartographic elements used to define a Map Layout, such as; neat lines, legend, scales, non-map graphics, and text overlays. With a Map Layout template, these elements, and their associated style(s) are preserved and can be used with alternate map data and workspaces. When loading a Map Template, you will be prompted to select the Scale or Bounds of the Map Layout.