Count Overlapping Raster/Terrain/View Shed Layers

The Count Overlapping Raster/Terrain/View Shed Layers report can be accessed from the Terrain Analysis menu. This creates a new grid layer that counts how many of another selected list of layers have valid samples at each location. This option can be used to count coverage of view shed layers where they overlap, or where View Shed and Terrain and Raster Layers overlap.

Selecting this option will open the 'Select Layers' dialog, here all loaded Raster, Terrain and View Shed Layers will populate in a list. Select those you would like included in the count.

Once you have the desired layers selected, click 'OK' to generate a new grid layer called 'Count of Layers'. This layer will appear in the Control Center and in the project map interface. Once the new Grid Layer is Created, use the Feature Info Tool to click on the map and get a Count of Layers for locations.

In the example below, the Feature Info Tool has been used to click on a pixel in the red area of the 'Count of Layers' area, which signifies a count of 3 overlapping layers.