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GM_Layer_t Class

Object that contains all operations to be done on a single layer.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GlobalMapper.Types
Assemblies:   GlobalMapperWrapperNET45 (in GlobalMapperWrapperNET45.dll) Version: (
  GlobalMapperWrapperNET35 (in GlobalMapperWrapperNET35.dll) Version: (
public class GM_Layer_t : IDisposable

The GM_Layer_t type exposes the following members.

Public methodGM_Layer_t
Load a Layer from a specified file.
Public propertyClosed
Returns the closed status of the layer
Public methodAddAreaToVectorLayer
Adds a area feature to a loaded vector layer
Public methodAddLineToVectorLayer
Adds a point feature to a loaded vector layer
Public methodAddPointToVectorLayer
Adds a point feature to a loaded vector layer
Public methodClose
Closes Layer and cleans unmanaged code. Returns GM_Error_t32
Public methodStatic memberCombineTerrainLayers
Creates a new terrain layer by combining 2 loaded terrain grid layers (not implemented on WinCE)
Public methodStatic memberCreateCustomElevGridLayer
Creates a new custom layer for an in-memory elevation grid (not implemented on WinCE)
Public methodStatic memberCreateCustomRasterLayer
Creates a new custom layer for an in-memory raster grid (not implemented on WinCE)
Public methodStatic memberCreateCustomVectorLayer
Creates a new custom layer for adding vector features to
Public methodStatic memberCreateVectorLayerFromFindResults
Creates a new vector layer from the results of a find operation
Public methodDispose
Does the Same thing as Close
Public methodDraw
Draws the specified portion of the specified layer to the DIB. If no layer is explicitly specified, all loaded layers will be drawn.
Public methodEquals
Compares equality of two layers based off their handles
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodFlushCache
Flushes any in-memory cache for the layer (mainly useful in low-memory environments)
Public methodGetAreaFeature
Gets a Area Feature in this layer at the specified index with optional flags.
Public methodGetAreaFeatureEx
Gets a Area Feature in this layer at the specified index with optional flags.
Public methodStatic memberGetAvailableOnlineSourceList
Retrieves a list of all available online sources
Public methodGetFeatureElevation
Gives the elevation of a feature. Set the name of the elevation attribute using SetLayerElevationAttribute.
Public methodGetHashCode
Gets the Hash Code
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetLayerInfo
Returns a copy of information about the specified layer. Returns NULL if the layer is not loaded.
Public methodGetLayerLidarStats
Retrieves the statistics for a Lidar layer
Public methodGetLidarPoint
Retrieves the Lidar point feature at the given index from the layer
Public methodGetLineFeature
Gets a Line Feature in this layer at the specified index with optional flags.
Public methodGetLineFeatureEx
Gets a Line Feature in this layer at the specified index with optional flags.
Public methodGetLocationColor(Double, Double, GM_Color_t)
Retrieves the color at a given location from a provided layer or from the list of currently loaded raster and elevation layers (topmost layer first).
Public methodStatic memberGetLocationColor(GM_Layer_t, Double, Double, GM_Color_t)
Retrieves the color at a given location from a provided layer or from the list of currently loaded raster and elevation layers (topmost layer first).
Public methodGetLocationElevation(Double, Double, Single)
Retrieves the elevation at a given location from a provided layer or from the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
Public methodStatic memberGetLocationElevation(GM_Layer_t, Double, Double, Single)
Retrieves the elevation at a given location from a provided layer or from the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
Public methodStatic memberGetOnlineSourceInfo
Gets detailed information about an online source and checks availability
Public methodGetPixelBandValue(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves the band value at a given pixel location in the provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelBandValue(GM_Layer_t, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves the band value at a given pixel location in the provided layer.
Public methodGetPixelColor(Int32, Int32, GM_Color_t)
Retrieves the color at a given pixel location in the provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelColor(GM_Layer_t, Int32, Int32, GM_Color_t)
Retrieves the color at a given pixel location in the provided layer.
Public methodGetPixelColorRow(Int32, Color, Color)
Retrieves an entire row of color values from the provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelColorRow(GM_Layer_t, Int32, Color, Color)
Retrieves an entire row of color values from the provided layer.
Public methodGetPixelElevation(Int32, Int32, Single)
Retrieves the elevation at a given pixel location in the provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelElevation(GM_Layer_t, Int32, Int32, Single)
Retrieves the elevation at a given pixel location in the provided layer.
Public methodGetPixelElevationRow(Int32, Single, Single)
Retrieves an entire row of elevation values from the provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberGetPixelElevationRow(GM_Layer_t, Int32, Single, Single)
Retrieves an entire row of elevation values from the provided layer.
Public methodGetPointFeature
Gets a copy of a Point Feature in this layer at the specified index with optional flags.
Public methodGetPointFeatureEx
Gets a copy of a Point Feature in this layer at the specified index with optional flags.
Public methodIsFeatureDeleted
Queries the delete status of the feature at the given index in the layer
Public methodStatic memberLoadGenericAsciiTextLayer
Loads a new layer from a simple ASCII text file file. A pointer to the layer is stored for use in later calls.
Public methodStatic memberLoadLayer
Loads a Data File (deprecated)
Public methodStatic memberLoadOnlineLayer
Loads data from an online source, like a WMS server or TerraServer-USA
Public methodStatic memberLoadRectifiedLayer
Loads a new layer from a file. A pointer to the layer is stored for use in later calls. The layer will be rectified using the ground control points and projection provided.
Public methodRepositionLayer
Repositions/reprojects a previously loaded raster layer
Public methodSetAreaFeatureClass
Sets the classification to use for the given feature.
Public methodSetAreaFeatureDrawStyle
Sets the drawing style to use for the area feature
Public methodSetAreaFeaturePointList
Sets the list of point locations to use for a given area feature
Public methodSetAreaFeaturePointListEx
Sets the list of point locations to use for a given area feature, including per-vertex elevations.
Public methodSetCodePage
Sets the codepage interpretation for the layer
Public methodSetFeatureAttrList
Sets the list of attribute/values to use for the specified feature.
Public methodSetFeatureDelete
Changes the delete status of the feature at the given index in the layer
Public methodSetFeatureDescription
Sets the description to use for the feature.
Public methodSetFeatureLabel
Sets the display label to use for the feature.
Public methodSetLayerDescription
Sets the description for the layer
Public methodSetLayerElevationAttribute
Sets the name of the attribute to use for retrieving the elevation value of features within this layer.
Public methodSetLayerElevationUnits
Sets the elevation units to use for 3D vector features without an elevation unit in the elevation attribute
Public methodSetLayerEnabled
Sets whether or not a given layer is enabled for display. If disabled, the layer will never be drawn or used as input for other translucent or texture-mapped layers.
Public methodSetLayerHeightAttribute
Sets the name of the attribute to use for retrieving the height value of point features within this layer.
Public methodSetLayerHeightUnits
Sets the height units to use for 3D vector features without a height unit in the height attribute
Public methodSetLayerLabelAttribute
Sets the name of the attribute to use for setting the display label of features within this layer.
Public methodSetLayerPalette
Sets a custom palette for the layer to override the existing palette. Only works for palette-based layers.
Public methodSetLayerUserData
Sets the user data for the layer.
Public methodSetLayerUserText
Sets the user text for the layer. Persistent through save to workspace.
Public methodSetLidarPoint
Sets the Lidar point feature at the given index from the layer
Public methodSetLineFeatureClass
Sets the classification to use for the given feature.
Public methodSetLineFeatureDrawStyle
Sets the drawing style to use for the line feature
Public methodSetLineFeaturePointList
Sets the list of point locations to use for a given line feature
Public methodSetLineFeaturePointListEx
Sets the list of point locations to use for a given line feature, including elevation list.
Public methodSetPointFeatureClass
Sets the classification to use for the given feature.
Public methodSetPointFeatureDrawStyle
Sets the drawing style to use for the point feature
Public methodSetPointFeaturePosition
Sets the location to use for a given point feature
Public methodShowOptionsDialog
Show display options dialog for layer(s)
Public methodToString
Returns a string representation of the object
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public operatorStatic memberEquality
Compares equality of two layers based off their handles
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
Compares inequality of two layers based off their handles
See Also