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GM_LidarQuery_t Class

A wrapper for a Lidar Query handle
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GlobalMapper.Lidar
Assemblies:   GlobalMapperWrapperNET45 (in GlobalMapperWrapperNET45.dll) Version: (
  GlobalMapperWrapperNET35 (in GlobalMapperWrapperNET35.dll) Version: (
public class GM_LidarQuery_t : IDisposable

The GM_LidarQuery_t type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddLidarQuery
Adds a Lidar query to another Lidar query
Public methodStatic memberAddLidarQueryToQuery
Adds a Lidar query to another Lidar query
Public methodAddRemovePoint
Adds or removes a Lidar point feature at the given index from the layer
Public methodStatic memberAddRemovePointToLidarQuery
Adds or removes a Lidar point feature at the given index from the layer
Public methodStatic memberCreateEmptyLidarQuery
Creates an empty Lidar query that you can add points to later
Public methodStatic memberCreateLidarQuery
Creates a query of all Lidar points in a particular bounding box from some layers
Public methodDispose
Does the Same thing as Close
Public methodFreeLidarQuery
Frees the resourses used be the specified Lidar query
Public methodGetLidarQueryInfo(GM_LidarQueryInfo_t)
Gets information about Lidar query
Public methodStatic memberGetLidarQueryInfo(IntPtr, GM_LidarQueryInfo_t)
Gets information about Lidar query
Public methodGetNextLidarQueryPoints
Retrieves the next chunk of points from a Lidar query (Length of returned list may be smaller than the list size specified)
Public methodStatic memberInitLidarQueryFilter
Initializes a Lidar query filter to return all points. Call this before setting specific query members.
Public methodStatic memberUpdateLidarQueryPoints
Changes the data for the specified fields for the points in the query.
Public methodUpdatePoints
Changes the data for the specified fields for the points in the query.
See Also