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GM_PointStyle_t Class

This type is used to describe a style used for drawing a point feature and its label (if any)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GlobalMapper.Types
Assembly:  GlobalMapperWrapperNET45 (in GlobalMapperWrapperNET45.dll) Version: (
public class GM_PointStyle_t

The GM_PointStyle_t type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddCustomPointClass
Adds a new custom point classification.
Public methodStatic memberAddCustomSymbol
Adds a new custom symbol that can be used when drawing point features (see the GM_SetPointFeatureDrawStyle function)
Public methodStatic memberGetAvailableSymbolNames
Returns the list of available symbol names (returns char**)
Public methodStatic memberGetPointFeatureClassDrawStyle
Sets the default drawing style to use for a given point feature classification
Public methodStatic memberRemoveCustomSymbol
Removes a custom symbol
Public methodStatic memberSetPointFeatureClassDrawStyle
Sets the default drawing style to use for a given point feature classification
Public fieldmDrawLabel
Render the label for this line if there is one
Public fieldmDrawLabelAlways
Render the label for this line even if it collides with another display label
Public fieldmFont
Font to use to render label
Public fieldmRotation
rotation angle in degrees (0 is up/north, 90 right/east, etc.) OR'd with rotation sense flags (GM_RotationSense_t16)
Public fieldmScale
Symbol scaling factor to apply (use negative values to make symbol a fixed height in meters, i.e. -10 would make symbol 10 meters high)
Public fieldmSymbolName
Name of symbol
See Also