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GM_LayerList_t Class

A list of GM Layer objects
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  GlobalMapper.Types
Assembly:  GlobalMapperWrapperNET45 (in GlobalMapperWrapperNET45.dll) Version: (
public class GM_LayerList_t : IDisposable

The GM_LayerList_t type exposes the following members.

Public methodGM_LayerList_t(Int32)
Default Constructor makes empty list with a specific capacity
Public methodGM_LayerList_t(GM_Layer_t, Boolean)
Default Constructor makes empty list with a specific capacity
Public methodGM_LayerList_t(GM_Layer_t, Boolean)
Constructor to make a List from an array of Layers
Public methodGM_LayerList_t(GM_LayerList_t, Boolean)
Constructor to make a List from an array of Layers
Public propertyCount
Number of Layers in the List
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Is the Layer List a Fixed Size
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Is the Layer List Read Only?
Public propertyItem
Gets the layer at the selected index
Public methodAdd
Adds a layer to the list
Public methodClear
Removes all layers from list
Public methodContains
Checks to see if the list contains the given layer
Public methodDispose
Closes all layers in the given list
Public methodDraw
Draws one or more layers to the provided device context at the given location.
Public methodStatic memberDrawLayerList
Draws one or more layers to the provided device context at the given location.
Public methodStatic memberDrawLayerListToMemory(GM_LayerList_t, GM_DrawFlags_t32, GM_Rectangle_t, GM_ColorFormat_t32, Int32, Int32, Byte, Int32)
Draws the specified portion of the specified layers to the provided memory buffer. If no layers are explicitly specified, all loaded layers will be drawn.
Public methodStatic memberDrawLayerListToMemory(GM_LayerList_t, GM_DrawFlags_t32, GM_Rectangle_t, GM_ColorFormat_t32, Int32, Int32, IntPtr, Int32)
Draws the specified portion of the specified layers to the provided memory buffer. If no layers are explicitly specified, all loaded layers will be drawn.
Public methodDrawToMemory(GM_DrawFlags_t32, GM_Rectangle_t, GM_ColorFormat_t32, Int32, Int32, Byte, Int32)
Draws the specified portion of the specified layers to the provided memory buffer. If no layers are explicitly specified, all loaded layers will be drawn.
Public methodDrawToMemory(GM_DrawFlags_t32, GM_Rectangle_t, GM_ColorFormat_t32, Int32, Int32, IntPtr, Int32)
Draws the specified portion of the specified layers to the provided memory buffer. If no layers are explicitly specified, all loaded layers will be drawn.
Public methodEmpty
Checks to see if layer is empty
Public methodStatic memberGetLoadedLayerList
Returns a list of LayerHandles
Public methodGetLocationElevation(Double, Double, Single)
Retrieves the elevation at a given location from a provided layer(s) or from the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
Public methodStatic memberGetLocationElevation(GM_LayerList_t, Double, Double, Single)
Retrieves the elevation at a given location from a provided layer(s) or from the list of currently loaded elevation layers (topmost elevation layer first).
Public methodIndexOf
Returns index of the given layer or -1 if not found
Public methodInsert
Inserts at the given index pushing all succeeding items back
Public methodStatic memberLoadLayerList
Loads layer(s) from a file. A pointer to a list containing handles to the loaded layers is returned. Additional load options can be specified using the aExtraLoadOptions string.
Public methodRemove
Removes a given Layer
Public methodRemoveAt
Remove the Layer at a given index
Public methodShowOptionsDialog
Show display options dialog for layer(s)
Public methodToArray
Used to make a standard array of items
See Also