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GM_GridGenFlags_t32 Enumeration

This type represents the different flags available for elevation grid generation

Namespace:  GlobalMapper.Types
Assembly:  GlobalMapperWrapperNET45 (in GlobalMapperWrapperNET45.dll) Version: (
public enum GM_GridGenFlags_t32
  Member nameValueDescription
GridGen_NoConstraints1Don't treat area and line boundaries as constraints (i.e. break lines)
GridGen_FlattenAreas2Flatten 3D areas
GridGen_FillToBounds4Fill the grid to the full bounding rectangle of the input data and not just to the convex hull
GridGen_IgnoreZeroElevs8Don't use features with an elevation value of 0
GridGen_HeightsRelative16Vector elevations are relative to underlying terrain data (if loaded)
GridGen_CropToAreasIfAllAreas32If all features are areas, mark everything outside areas as invalid
GridGen_IncludeStreams64If stream lines are provided assign them elevations from intersecting lines
GridGen_SelAreasOnly128Only consider selected areas
GridGen_AreaVertexRelativeOnly256Only the area vertex height is relative to ground, not inside the area
GridGen_RelativeRequireValid512If GridGen_HeightsRelative is set, don't grid points if there is no terrain at the location
GridGen_SaveGroundHeight1024if using Lidar field GM_LidarGrid_Height, grid the DSM (digital surface model) by working backwards from calculated heights above ground
GridGen_CreateLidarImage2048if gridding a Lidar field than can potentially be stored as an image or grid (i.e. GM_LidarGrid_Intensity), create an image rather than a grid
GridGen_ApplyLidarBreaklines262144Apply 3D line and 3D area features as breaklines when gridding Lidar data
GridGen_IgnoreTypeFilters524288Ignore any set type filters and grid all 3D features in the provided layer(s)
See Also