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GlobalMapper.Types Namespace

Contains the definitions for all common types in the Global Mapper SDK
Public classGM_AreaFeature_t
A Managed Definition of an Area Feature
Public classGM_AreaStyle_t
This type is used to describe a style used for drawing a area feature and its label (if any)
Public classGM_AreaVolumeParams_t
This type is used to provide the parameters for calculating cut-and-fill volumes within an area feature
Public classGM_AsciiFormatInfo_t
This type represents layout information for a generic ASCII import
Public classGM_Constants
Defines all of the relevant constants to use for the SDK
Public classGM_CustomShader_t
This type represents a custom elevation shader
Public classGM_EqualValueAreaSetup_t
This type is used to provide the parameters for performing Generate Areas from Equal Values process
Public classGM_ExportOptsPDF_t
Describes custom export options for PDF exports
Public classGM_FillGapsParams_t
Structure defining parameters for gap filling
Public classGM_FontDef_t
This type is used to describe a font used for rendering text
Public classGM_FoundFeature_t
This type is used to return information about features found by GM functions
Public classGM_FoundFeatureCollection_t
A collection of features found by GM functions
Public classGM_FoundFeatureResults_t
This type is used to return a result set.
Public classGM_GridGenSetup_t
This type represents the input needed for gridding a set of vector data
Public classGM_Layer_t
Object that contains all operations to be done on a single layer.
Public classGM_LayerInfo_t
This type is used when returning information about a layer
Public classGM_LayerList_t
A list of GM Layer objects
Public classGM_LineFeature_t
A Managed Definition of a Line Feature
Public classGM_LineStyle_t
This type is used to describe a style used for drawing a line feature and its label (if any)
Public classGM_LineVolumeParams_t
This type is used to provide the parameters for calculating cut-and-fill volumes along a line feature
Public classGM_OnlineSourceInfo_t
This type is used to return information about available online sources
Public classGM_Package_t
A Global Mapper Package object. Use GM_Package.LoadPackage() to create a Package object.
Public classGM_PathProfileLOSParams_t
This type is used to provide the parameters for calculating path profiles and performing line of sight analysis
Public classGM_PixelRect_t
This type describes a bounding rectangle in pixel coordinates
Public classGM_PointFeature_t
A Managed Definition of a Point Feature
Public classGM_PointStyle_t
This type is used to describe a style used for drawing a point feature and its label (if any)
Public classGM_Projection_t
This type is used to fully describe a projection.
Public classGM_ProjectionInfo_t
This type is used to describe all of the available units, datums, zones, and attributes available for a projection
Public classGM_RasterDisplayOptions_t
This type represents the display options available for raster and elevation layers
Public classGM_RasterLayout_t
This type represents layout information for a new custom raster layer
Public classGM_Rectangle_t
This type describes a bounding rectangle in world coordinates
Public classGM_VectorFeature_t
This type is used as the base for any vector feature information
Public classGM_ViewShedParams_t
This type is used to provide the parameters for performing a view shed analysis
Public classGM_WebFormatExportOpts_t
This type represents the options when exporting to a web format
Public structureGM_AreaElevStats_t
This type is used for returning the calculated elevation statistics within an area
Public structureGM_AttrValue_t
This type is used to represent a single attribute value pair
Public structureGM_Color_t
This type is used when returning a color
Public structureGM_ContourParams_t
This type is used to provide the parameters for generating contours
Public structureGM_DatumInfo_t
This type represents information about a datum
Public structureGM_DensityGridParams_t
Structure to define options for calculating a density grid
Public structureGM_ElevationOverrides_t
This type represents any adjustments to apply to elevation values within a gridded elevation layer.
Public structureGM_ElevColor_t
This type represents a single elevation/color pair for a custom shader
Public structureGM_ExportOptsDXF_DWG_t
This type is used to describe custom export options for DXF/DWG vector exports
Public structureGM_ExportOptsKML_t
This type is used to describe custom export options for KML vector exports. To create a KMZ file, pass a filename with a .kmz extension to the GM_ExportVector function.
Public structureGM_ExportOptsSHP_t
This type is used to describe custom export options for Shapefile vector exports
Public structureGM_ExportOptsSimpleText_t
This type is used to describe custom export options for Simple Text vector exports
Public structureGM_FeatureClassInfo_t
This type is used to return information about a given feature classification
Public structureGM_GridCombineSetup_t
This type represents the input needed for creating a new grid layer by combining 2 input grid layers
Public structureGM_GridLayout_t
This type represents layout information for a new elevation grid layer
Public structureGM_GroundControlPoint_t
This type is used when rectifying imagery
Public structureGM_HoleInArea_t
This type is used to store information about holes within area features
Public structureGM_MapCatalogInfo_t
This type represents information about a map catalog. Use GM_GetLayerInfo for more generic information, like bounds.
Public structureGM_PaletteEntry_t
This type is used to represent a single color palette entry
Public structureGM_Point_t
This describes a single point location
Public structureGM_ProjAttrValue_t
This type is used to describe a single projection attribute value
Public structureGM_RoughnessGridParams_t
Structure defining setup for a roughness operation
Public structureGM_ShaderOptions_t
This type represents the display options available for the built-in elevation shaders
Public structureGM_ValName_t
This type is used to describe a value and its associated name
Public structureGM_VerticalDisplayOptions_t
Structure with options controlling the display of terrain data
Public structureGM_WatershedParams_t
Type defining parameters for watershed/drainage/stream calculation
Public structureGM_WindsimArtifactSetup_t
Structure definition for custom Windsim project
Public delegateGM_ChildLayerOpCallbackFunc
Callback function declaration to be notified when a child layer is loaded or closed
Public delegateGM_MessageCallbackDef
Message callback function declaration
Public delegateGM_ProgressCallbackFunc
Callback for retrieving progress for a long operation in Global Mapper. Return 0 from this if you want to cancel the operation.
Public delegateGM_QueryProjectionCallbackDef
Callback for selecting a projection. Return 1 if the projection structure has been filled in and should be used. Return 0 if the load should be aborted.
Public enumerationAreaFeatureClass_t16
Area feature classifications
Public enumerationDATUM
Enumeration of the datum This enumeration is shared by the plugins so it is important that the order not change and that new datums be added to the end (before the interplanetary datums is ok)
Public enumerationGM_AddFeatureFlags_t8
Flags to use for adding features to vector layer functions
Public enumerationGM_AreaUnits_t8
Area measure units
Public enumerationGM_AsciiCoordDelim_t8
Type listing available coordinate delimeters for ASCII import
Public enumerationGM_AsciiCoordFormat_t8
Type listing coordinate format for ASCII import
Public enumerationGM_AsciiCoordOrder_t8
Type listing available coordinate order options for ASCII import
Public enumerationGM_AsciiImportType_t8
Type listing available import types for ASCII import
Public enumerationGM_BandValType_t8
Definition of different data types used for raster band values
Public enumerationGM_BlendMode_t8
This type represents the different blend modes available
Public enumerationGM_BrushStyle_t16
Used to specify a brush style for drawing features
Public enumerationGM_CalcBearingFlags_t8
Flags to use when making a GM_CalcBearing call
Public enumerationGM_ChildLayerOp_t8
This type represents operations on a child layer
Public enumerationGM_ColorFormat_t32
List of supported color formats for GM_DrawLayerListToMemory
Public enumerationGM_CombineOp_t8
Available operations when combining terrain layers
Public enumerationGM_CombineOpFlags_t32
Flags for combining terrain layers
Public enumerationGM_ContrastMode_t8
This type represents the different contrast adjustment modes that are available
Public enumerationGM_CustomShaderFlags_t32
This type represents flags available for custom shaders
Public enumerationGM_DatumXForm_t32
This type represents the different available datum transformation methods
Public enumerationGM_DensityGridFlags_t32
Flags for density grid generation
Public enumerationGM_DensityKernelType_t8
Different type of calculation kernels to use for density generation.
Public enumerationGM_DrawFlags_t32
Flags to control the GM_DrawLayerList and GM_DrawPackageList operations
Public enumerationGM_ElevationExportFormat_t32
List of supported elevation export types
Public enumerationGM_ElevUnits_t8
List of supported elevation units
Public enumerationGM_EqualValueAreaFlags_t32
Define the flags for the equal-value area operation
Public enumerationGM_Error_t32
Error codes
Public enumerationGM_ExportOptsDWGVersion_t8
Define versions for DWG export (from OdaDefs.h)
Public enumerationGM_ExportOptsDXFFlags_t32
Flags to control DWG/DWG exports
Public enumerationGM_ExportOptsDXFLabels_t8
This enumeration lists the ways that line and area labels can be exported to DXF files.
Public enumerationGM_FeatureClassType_t8
Flags describing the type of feature class (i.e. area, point, or line) to work on
Public enumerationGM_FindFlags_t32
Flags to control the GM_FindNearestFeatures function
Public enumerationGM_FontBackground_t8
This type represents the different font background options
Public enumerationGM_GetFeatureFlags_t32
Flags to use when using a GM_Get*FeatureEx function
Public enumerationGM_GridAlg_t8
Gridding algorithm - Specify what gridding algorithm to use when gridding 3D vector data and point clouds
Public enumerationGM_GridGapFillAlg_t8
Gridding gap fill algorithm - specify what gridding algorithm to use when filling gaps
Public enumerationGM_GridGenFlags_t32
This type represents the different flags available for elevation grid generation
Public enumerationGM_LabelPlacement_t8
Used to specify the placement of labels on features
Public enumerationGM_LidarGridField_t8
Define what field of data to grid for Lidar data
Public enumerationGM_LoadFlags_t32
Flags when loading new layers
Public enumerationGM_LogLevel_t8
Define logging error levels. Lower is higher priority
Public enumerationGM_MapCatalogDisplayType_t8
Display type for map catalog
Public enumerationGM_MapCatalogMapOpt_t8
Define option for map catalog
Public enumerationGM_MapLayoutPiece_t8
Type defining map layout pieces that can be saved out to a bitmap file with GM_Export.ExportMapLayoutComponent
Public enumerationGM_MiscOpt_t32
Misc. advanced options flags used with GM_Utility.SetMiscOptionEx
Public enumerationGM_MiscOptVal_t8
Define misc. opt values. Pass to GM_Utiliyt.SetMiscOption
Public enumerationGM_OnlineSourceType_t32
Define types of online sources
Public enumerationGM_PackageExportFlags_t32
Flags for package export
Public enumerationGM_PathProfileLOSFlags_t32
Flags to control the behavior of path profile/line of sight analysis
Public enumerationGM_PDFExportFlags_t32
This enumeration lists various flags for a PDF export
Public enumerationGM_PenStyle_t16
Styles to apply to the pen when drawing features
Public enumerationGM_ProgressUpdate_t8
Types of progress reported through GM_ProgressCallbackFunc
Public enumerationGM_RasterExportFlags_t32
Flags for raster (i.e. GeoTIFF, JPG) image and elevation grid export
Public enumerationGM_RasterExportFormat_t32
List of supported raster export types
Public enumerationGM_RasterLayoutFlags_t32
This is a set of bit flags for custom raster layers
Public enumerationGM_RasterTypeFlags_t32
Type defines what type of data a raster/elevation layer has. One or more of these flags can be set.
Public enumerationGM_RotationSense_t16
This type is OR'd with the mRotation member of the GM_PointStyle_t structure to specify symbol rotation sense.
Public enumerationGM_RoughnessGridFlags_t32
Flags for roughness grid generation
Public enumerationGM_RoughnessTable_t
Types of roughness tables for converting color values representing land cover to roughness values
Public enumerationGM_SamplingMethod_t8
Enumeration of different raster/elevation sampling methods available
Public enumerationGM_SelectFlags_t32
Flags to control the GM_GetSelectedFeatures function
Public enumerationGM_SelectProjFlags_t32
List of flags for selecting a projection
Public enumerationGM_ShaderBlendingAlg_t8
Ways to blend the intensity when using multiple light sources
Public enumerationGM_SlopeAlg_t8
Slope calculation algorithm to use
Public enumerationGM_VectorExportFlags_t32
Flags for vector (i.e. DXF, Shapefile) export
Public enumerationGM_VectorExportFormat_t32
List of supported vector export types
Public enumerationGM_WatershedFlags_32
Flags for watershed calculations
Public enumerationGM_WebExportFlags_t32
This type represents flags available for web format exports
Public enumerationGM_WebExportFormat_t32
List of supported web export types
Public enumerationGridDisplay_t
Enumeration for grid display types
Public enumerationLineFeatureClass_t16
Line feature classifications
Public enumerationMeshFeatureClass_t16
Mesh feature classifications
Public enumerationPointFeatureClass_t16
Point feature classifications
Public enumerationPROJATTR
Enumeration of projection attribute These values are shared with the Global Mapper DLL so it is important that their values to not change.
Public enumerationPROJSYS
Enumeration of the projection This enumeration is shared by the plugins so it is important that the order not change and that new projections be added such that the enumerated value of existing projections is not disturbed.
Public enumerationUNIT
Enumeration of the unit This enumerator is shared by plugins and the Global Mapper DLL interface, so it is important that the order does not change and that new units are added to the end.
Public enumerationZLevel_t16
Feature z levels