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GM_Projection_t Methods

The GM_Projection_t type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddCustomDatum
Adds a new custom datum with the given parameters
Public methodStatic memberAddCustomEllipsoid
Adds a new custom ellipsoid with the given parameters
Public methodStatic memberAreProjectionsEquivalent
Checks to see if the 2 projections are equivalent
Public methodStatic memberDecodeMGRSCoordinates
Decodes a MGRS (military grid reference system) coordinate into a X/Y or lat/lon location
Public methodStatic memberGetAvailableProjectionList
Retrieves a list of all available projections and their available parameters, datums, units, etc. Returns GM_ProjectionInfo_t* (array of GM_ProjectionInfo_t structures)
Public methodGetBase
Retrieves the underlying base projection that forms the basis for a given projection.
Public methodStatic memberGetBaseProjection
Retrieves the underlying base projection that forms the basis for a given projection.
Public methodStatic memberGetDatumInfo
Gets the parameters for a particular datum
Public methodStatic memberGetMGRSCoordinates
Gets the MGRS (military grid reference system) coordinates for a location
Public methodStatic memberGetProjection
Gets the current view/export projection
Public methodStatic memberLoadProjectionFile
Initializes a GM_Projection_t structure from a projection (PRJ, Ozi .map, etc.) file.
Public methodStatic memberLoadProjectionFromEPSGCode
Initializes a GM_Projection_t structure from an EPSG code
Public methodStatic memberLoadProjectionFromWKTString
Initializes a GM_Projection_t structure from a WKT projection string
Public methodStatic memberSaveProjectionToFile
Saves a GM_Projection_m structure to a projection (PRJ) file.
Public methodStatic memberSaveProjectionToString
Saves a GM_Projection_t structure to a WKT projection string.
Public methodSaveToFile
Saves a GM_Projection_m structure to a projection (PRJ) file.
Public methodSaveToString
Saves a GM_Projection_t structure to a WKT projection string.
Public methodStatic memberSelectProjection
Displays the projection selection dialog to allow the user to select a projection
Public methodStatic memberSelectProjectionEx
Displays the projection selection dialog to allow the user to select a projection
Public methodSetAsProjection
Set the new projection. This is the projection that all draws and exports will be done in. It is also the projection that all world bound rectangles will be in. This version allows providing a lat/lon bounding rectangle for automatic selection of the best zone for zoned projections.
Public methodStatic memberSetProjection
Set the new projection. This is the projection that all draws and exports will be done in. It is also the projection that all world bound rectangles will be in. This version allows providing a lat/lon bounding rectangle for automatic selection of the best zone for zoned projections.
Public methodStatic memberSetProjectionEx
Set the new projection. This is the projection that all draws and exports will be done in. It is also the projection that all world bound rectangles will be in. This version allows providing a lat/lon bounding rectangle for automatic selection of the best zone for zoned projections.
Public methodStatic memberSetQueryProjectionCallback
Sets the function to call to select a projection for a layer when being loaded if the projection for that layer cannot be automatically determined. If a callback is provided, it will be called rather than the projection selection dialog being displayed.
See Also