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Saves the provided list of loaded layers and display options to a workspace (GMW) file. If you don't provide a custom list then the current loaded list is used. Use this instead of GM_SaveWorkspace if you want to save your loaded layers in an order other than the load order or you just want a workspace for a subset of the files. You can load a workspace file using any of the GM_LoadLayer* functions.

GM_DLL_EXPORTED GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_SaveWorkspaceEx
const char*             aFilename,      // IN: name of workspace file to save
GM_LayerHandle_t32*     aLayerList,     // IN: List of layers in order to save to workspace or NULL for all in order they were loaded
uint32                  aLayerCount,    // IN: Number of layers in list (0 for all)
void*                   aReserved       // IN: reserved for later use, must be NULL