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Searches the provided list of layers for any visible vector line feature within the provided search distance (aMaxDistMeters) which has addressing information in a supported format (i.e. Tiger/Line data).

GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_FindNearestAddress
const GM_Point_t*       aSearchPt,          // IN: Search location in current view projection (as returned by GM_SetProjection)
GM_LayerHandle_t32*     aLayerList,         // IN: List of layers to search or NULL for all vector layers
uint32                  aLayerCount,        // IN: Number of layers in list (0 for all)
char*                   aAddressStr,        // I/O: Buffer to hold string for nearest address
uint32                  aMaxAddressLen,     // IN: Maximum length of string to store in output
double                  aMaxDistMeters,     // IN: Maximum distance in meters to search around search point
void*                   aReserved           // IN: Reserved for later use, must be NULL (0)