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Exports one or more layers to a new vector file. If NULL is passed for the layer handle list, all vector layers will be saved to the new vector file, otherwise only the specified layer will be exported. If NULL is provided for the world bounds, all available data will be exported, otherwise only data within the specified bounds will be exported.

The new vector file create will be in the current view projection as returned by the GM_GetProjection function. You can change the view projection, and thus the export projection, by calling the GM_SetProjection function.

GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_ExportVector
const char*                     aFilename,      // Name of new file to create
GM_VectorExportFormat_t32       aFormat,        // Format to export
GM_LayerHandle_t32              aLayer,         // Layer to export or NULL for all
const GM_Rectangle_t*           aWorldBounds,   // World bounds to export or NULL for all
GM_VectorExportFlags_t32        aFlags,         // Export flags
void*                           aFormatOptions  // Format-specific options (NULL for defaults)
GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_ExportVectorEx
const char*                     aFilename,      // Name of new file to create
GM_VectorExportFormat_t32       aFormat,        // Format to export
GM_LayerHandle_t32              aLayer,         // Layer to export or NULL for all
const GM_Rectangle_t*           aWorldBounds,   // World bounds to export or NULL for all
GM_VectorExportFlags_t32        aFlags,         // Export flags
void*                           aFormatOptions, // Format-specific options (NULL for defaults)
const char*                     aExtraFlags     // Additional text-based flags for some formats (use NULL for defaults)
GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_ExportVectorList
const char*                     aFilename,      // Name of new file to create
GM_VectorExportFormat_t32       aFormat,        // Format to export
GM_LayerHandle_t32*             aLayerList,     // List of layers to export or NULL for all
uint32                          aLayerCount,    // Number of layers in list (0 for all)
const GM_Rectangle_t*           aWorldBounds,   // World bounds to export or NULL for all
GM_VectorExportFlags_t32        aFlags,         // Export flags
void*                           aFormatOptions, // Format-specific options (NULL for defaults)
const char*                     aExtraFlags,    // Additional text-based flags for some formats (use NULL for defaults)
void*                           aReserved       // Reserved for future use, must be NULL