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Draws grid lines (either lat/lon or in the view projection) for the specified location to the provided device context at the given location. If aWorldBounds is not NULL, at least the specified area will be drawn. The aspect ratio of the screen pixels will be maintained, so slightly more of the world bounds than specified may be drawn. If aWorldBounds is NULL, the grid bounds rendered will be that of all loaded layers.

GM_Error_t32 GM_DrawGridLines
HDC                     aDC,            // Device context to draw to
boolean                 aLatLonGrid,    // Draw a lat/lon grid or a view projection grid
double                  aGridSpacing,   // Grid spacing (use 0.0 for default)
const GM_Rectangle_t*   aWorldBounds,   // World bounds to draw or NULL for all
sint32                  aLeftPixel,     // Left pixel coordinate to draw to
sint32                  aTopPixel,      // Top pixel coordinate to draw to
sint32                  aPixelWidth,    // Width in pixels to draw
sint32                  aPixelHeight    // Height in pixels to draw