Click or drag to resize


Saves the current 3D view to an image file

  GM_DLL_EXPORTED GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_3DSaveViewToFile
  const char*                 aFilename,  // IN: filename to save to
  GM_RasterExportFormat_t32   aFormat,    // IN: format to use (only BMP, JPG, and PNG supported)
  sint32                      aPixWidth,  // IN: pixel width to save (use 0 for current view size)
  sint32                      aPixHeight  // IN: pixel height to save (use 0 for current view size)

Saves the current 3D view to an image file (BMP, JPG, or PNG). If you provide 0 for the pixel width or height parameters, the size of the current 3D view will be used.