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GM_PathProfileLOSParams_t Properties

The GM_PathProfileLOSParams_t type exposes the following members.

Public propertymDetailsStr
OUT: String containing path details (set to NULL if you don't care)
Public propertymElevList
OUT: List of Elevations (set to NULL if you don't care).
Public propertymLOSFirstBlockedPos
OUT: Location of first blocked location along path (only valid if mLOSMinClearance is negative)
Public propertymLOSLastBlockedPos
OUT: Location of last blocked location along path (only valid if mLOSMinClearance is negative)
Public propertymLOSMinClearance
OUT: Minimum line-of-sight clearance in meters (will be negative if the line of sight is not clear)
Public propertymLOSMinClearancePos
OUT: Location of minimum line-of-sight clearance
See Also