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GM_RasterDisplayOptions_t Fields

The GM_RasterDisplayOptions_t type exposes the following members.

Public fieldmAutoClipCollar
Automatically crop off a DRG, BSB, or other known collar boundary
Public fieldmBandIdxBlue
Index of color band (0-based) to use for blue color channel
Public fieldmBandIdxGreen
Index of color band (0-based) to use for green color channel
Public fieldmBandIdxRed
Index of color band (0-based) to use for red color channel
Public fieldmBandLayoutValid
Are the band layout values valid?
Public fieldmBlendMode
Blend mode to use to blend this raster layer with underlying layers or to interpret the color values of the layer
Public fieldmBlueAdjustPercent
Percentage to adjust red color channel by (-100 to 100)
Public fieldmColorGradeBlueInMax
Maximum Blue input color value
Public fieldmColorGradeBlueInMin
Minimum Blue input color value
Public fieldmColorGradeBlueOutMax
Maximum Blue output color value
Public fieldmColorGradeBlueOutMin
Minimum Blue output color value
Public fieldmColorGradeGreenInMax
Maximum Green input color value
Public fieldmColorGradeGreenInMin
Minimum Green input color value
Public fieldmColorGradeGreenOutMax
Maximum Green output color value
Public fieldmColorGradeGreenOutMin
Minimum Green output color value
Public fieldmColorGradeRedInMax
Maximum red input color value
Public fieldmColorGradeRedInMin
Minimum red input color value
Public fieldmColorGradeRedOutMax
Maximum red output color value
Public fieldmColorGradeRedOutMin
Minimum red output color value
Public fieldmColorGradeSaturation
Saturation (valid 0.0 - 1.0)
Public fieldmColorGradeValid
Are the color grade options valid?
Public fieldmColorIntensity
Color intensity (0-20). Lower values are lighter, higher values are darker.
Public fieldmContrastMode
Contrast adjustment mode
Public fieldmContrastNumStdDev
Number of standard deviations from mean to stretch for contrast adjustment (if 0 is used the default of 2 will be used)
Public fieldmContrastShared
Is the contrast adjustment shared with other loaded layers?
Public fieldmGreenAdjustPercent
Percentage to adjust red color channel by (-100 to 100)
Public fieldmRedAdjustPercent
Percentage to adjust red color channel by (-100 to 100)
Public fieldmSamplingMethod
Specify how resampling should be done for this layer for display and export
Public fieldmSize
Size of structure
Public fieldmTextureMap
Texture map this raster layer over any underlying elevation layers.
Public fieldmTranslucency
Translucency level of layer (0 - completely see-through, 512 - completely opaque)
Public fieldmTransparent
Is layer transparent?
Public fieldmTransparentColor
Color to make transparent
Public fieldmTransparentColorDist
Fuzzy transparency support. Distance from transparent color to treat nearby colors transparent.
Public fieldmTransparentColorList
List of colors to make transparent.
See Also