
globalmapper.DrawGridLines(HDC aDC, boolean aLatLonGrid, float aGridSpacing, GM_Rectangle_t aWorldBounds, sint32 aLeftPixel, sint32 aTopPixel, sint32 aPixelWidth, sint32 aPixelHeight) GM_Error_t32[source]


This function requires a Handle to Device Context (HDC), which comes from the Windows GUI. An HDC for a window is easy to get in C++, but unobtainable in Python without relying on other modules. As such, you may be unable to use this and other functions which need an HDC as parameter; they are included in the Python SDK for Global Mapper primarily for consistency with the C++ version of the SDK and are not fully supported at current release.

Draws grid lines (either lat/lon or in the view projection) for the specified location to the provided device context at the given location. If aWorldBounds is not None, at least the specified area will be drawn. The aspect ratio of the screen pixels will be maintained, so slightly more of the world bounds than specified may be drawn. If aWorldBounds is None, the grid bounds rendered will be that of all loaded layers.

  • aDC (HDC) – Device context to draw to

  • aLatLonGrid (boolean) – Draw a lat/lon grid or a view projection grid

  • aGridSpacing (float) – Grid spacing (use gm.NULL or 0 for default)

  • aWorldBounds (GM_Rectangle_t) – World bounds to draw or None for all

  • aLeftPixel (sint32) – Left pixel coordinate to draw to

  • aTopPixel (sint32) – Top pixel coordinate to draw to

  • aPixelWidth (sint32) – Width in pixels to draw

  • aPixelHeight (sint32) – Height in pixels to draw


Error Code

Return type
