globalmapper.SetPointFeatureDrawStyle ===================================== .. currentmodule:: globalmapper .. py:function:: SetPointFeatureDrawStyle (GM_LayerHandle_t32 aLayer, uint32 aPointIndex, GM_PointStyle_t aPointStyle) -> GM_Error_t32 Sets the symbol and font to use for drawing the given point feature. Pass None for the point style to reset the drawing style to the default style for the classification of the point. Typically, when modifying the drawing style of a point you will want to call :doc:`GetPointFeature<../vectorQuery/globalmapper.GetPointFeature>` to get the current drawing style, then copy the *mPointStyle* member of the GM_PointFeature_t and just change what you need, then pass your copy in to this function. You can add new symbols using the :doc:`AddCustomSymbol function`. There are some custom symbols built in and you can use a string with the following form: ShapeName + "_CUSTOM_" + size_R_G_B. Example: you if you wanted a red Diamond with a scale of 5 pixels. You would use the string: "DIAMOND_CUSTOM_5_255_0_0" The built in custom shapes include: DOT, SQUARE, DOT_EMPTY, VERT_BAR, CROSS, DIAG_CROSS, STAR, STAR_EMPTY, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE_EMPTY, DIAMOND, DIAMOND_EMPTY, SQUARE_EMPTY, HALF_PIE and HALF_PIE_EMPTY. :param GM_LayerHandle_t32 aLayer: Layer the point is in :param uint32 aPointIndex: Index of point in layer :param GM_PointStyle_t aPointStyle: New style to use for point :returns: Error Code :rtype: GM_Error_t32