globalmapper.SpatialOverlaps ============================ .. currentmodule:: globalmapper .. py:function:: SpatialOverlaps (GM_LayerHandle_t32 aLayer1, GM_LayerHandle_t32 aLayer2, GM_SpatialOps_Params_t aParams) -> GM_Error_t32 The **Overlaps** predicate returns the set of features from one layer that overlap features in another layer. Overlap means that the features have the same dimension and the interiors of the features share some common area, but there are also interiors of both features not covered by the other feature :param GM_LayerHandle_t32 aLayer1: First layer in predicate :param GM_LayerHandle_t32 aLayer2: Second layer in predicate :param GM_SpatialOps_Params_t aParams: Parameters :returns: Error Code :rtype: GM_Error_t32