globalmapper.LoadGenericAsciiTextLayer ====================================== .. currentmodule:: globalmapper .. py:function:: LoadGenericAsciiTextLayer (str aFilename, GM_LoadFlags_t32 aLoadFlags, GM_AsciiFormatInfo_t aFormatInfo, GM_Projection_t aProj) -> GM_Error_t32, GM_LayerHandle_t32 Loads the given ASCII text file and fills in aLayer with the handle to the layer. The layer handle can be used in other calls into the library. The layer must be closed by calling CloseLayer when the caller is done using it. The format of the ASCII text file being loaded is described with the *aFormatInfo* structure provided. If None is passed for that structure, a dialog will appear prompting the user for the layout information. :param str aFilename: filename of ASCII file to load :param GM_LoadFlags_t32 aLoadFlags: load flags :param GM_AsciiFormatInfo_t aFormatInfo: optional format info (use None to prompt user) :param GM_Projection_t aProj: optional projection to use for file (use None to prompt user) :returns: Error Code :rtype: GM_Error_t32 :return: Layer handle for loaded layer :rtype: GM_LayerHandle_t32