globalmapper.AddCustomShader ============================ .. currentmodule:: globalmapper .. py:function:: AddCustomShader(GM_CustomShader_t aShader, uint32 aReserved) -> GM_Error_t32 Adds a new custom shader for possible use for elevation layer display. Once the shader is added, you can use the :doc:`SetVerticalDisplayOptions function` to make it the active shader for rendering elevation layers or the :doc:`SetElevationOverrides function` to set it as the shader to use for rendering a particular layer. If a custom shader with the name specified already exists, that shader will be updated. Otherwise a new custom shader with the specified name will be created. If you would like to create a custom shader that shades the slopes of a terrain layer rather than the elevation value, provide the flag GM_CustomShader_ShadeSlopes as part of the GM_CustomShader_t structure. :param GM_CustomShader_t aShader: shader to add :param uint32 aReserved: reserved, must be 0. :returns: Error Code :rtype: GM_Error_t32