globalmapper.CombineTerrainLayers ================================= .. currentmodule:: globalmapper .. py:function:: CombineTerrainLayers(GM_GridCombineSetup_t aSetup, int aReserved) -> GM_Error_t32, GM_LayerHandle_t32 Combines two loaded terrain layers using some operation (i.e. addition, subtraction, etc.) and creates a new terrain layer from the combined return. The returned new layer must be closed with :doc:`CloseLayer<../load/globalmapper.CloseLayer>` when you are done working with it. :param GM_GridCombineSetup_t aSetup: Setup for operation :param int aReserved: Reserved for future use; must be 0. :returns: Error Code :rtype: GM_Error_t32 :return: Layer handle for newly created combined layer :rtype: GM_LayerHandle_t32