globalmapper.LidarExtractFeaturesFromQuery =========================================== .. currentmodule:: globalmapper .. py:function:: LidarExtractFeaturesFromQuery (GM_LidarQueryHandle_t aLidarQuery, GM_LidarExtractSetup_t aExtractOpts, int aReserved) -> GM_Error_t32, GM_LidarExtractOutput_t Extracts vector features from the Lidar data in a Lidar query. :param GM_LidarQueryHandle_t aLidarQuery: Lidar query of points to classify. :param GM_LidarExtractSetup_t aExtractOpts: Extraction options. You must provide settings with a non-zero value for mTypes. :param int aReserved: Reserved for future use; . :returns: Error Code :rtype: GM_Error_t32 :returns: Generated layers with extracted features. Be sure to use :doc:`CloseLayer<../load/globalmapper.CloseLayer>` on them when finished with them. :rtype: GM_LidarExtractOutput_t