globalmapper.LidarCompare ========================== .. currentmodule:: globalmapper .. py:function:: LidarCompareQuery (GM_LidarQueryHandle_t aQueryCompareTo, GM_LidarQueryHandle_t aQueryCompare, GM_LidarCompareSetup_t aSetup, int aReserved) -> GM_Error_t32 Compare two sets of points to find differences. The differences will be saved as a new point layer. :param GM_LidarQueryHandle_t aQueryCompareTo: Lidar query with points to compare against. :param GM_LidarQueryHandle_t aQueryCompare: Lidar points with points to compare the queries in *aQueryCompareTo*. :param GM_LidarCompareSetup_t aSetup: Lidar comparison settings. If None is provided, default settings will be used. :param int aReserved: Reserved for future use; must be 0.. :returns: Error Code :rtype: GM_Error_t32