Types for Layer Loading Functions ================================= The following types are used as parameters and return values in functions related loading layers into GlobalMapper. These types use fixed, numeric constants, which are defined here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_AsciiCoordDelim_t8 Type listing available coordinate delimeters for ASCII import :values: **GM_AsciiDelim_AutoDetect** = 0 **GM_AsciiDelim_Comma** = 1 **GM_AsciiDelim_Whitespace** = 2 **GM_AsciiDelim_Semicolon** = 3 **GM_AsciiDelim_Tab** = 4 **GM_AsciiDelim_NumTypes** = 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_AsciiCoordFormat_t8 Type listing coordinate format for ASCII import :values: **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_Decimal** = 0 Raw decimal (i.e. normal number) **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_DDMMSS** = 1 Packed degress/minute/second - DDDMMSS.SSSS **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_DDMM** = 2 Packed degrees/minutes - DDDMM.MMMM **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_DD_MMSS** = 3 Packed decimal - DDD.MMSSSSS **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_ECEF** = 4 ECEF coordinates **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_WKT** = 5 Well-Known-Text Format **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_MGRS** = 6 MGRS / USNG coordinates **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_UTM_K** = 7 UTM-K (Korea) Format **GM_AsciiCoordFormat_NumTypes** = 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_AsciiCoordOrder_t8 Type listing available coordinate order options for ASCII import :values: *Ordering flags* **GM_AsciiCoordOrder_XFirst** = 0 X/longitude/easting first **GM_AsciiCoordOrder_YFirst** = 1 Y/latitude/northing first *Special values* **GM_AsciiCoordOrder_NumTypes** = 2 **GM_AsciiCoordOrder_Custom** = 0xFF Custom coordinate order ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_AsciiImportType_t8 Type listing available import types for ASCII import :values: **GM_AsciiImport_PointOnly** = 0 Create point features for every encountered coordinate **GM_AsciiImport_Vector** = 1 Create area, line, and point features **GM_AsciiImport_Elevation** = 2 Triangulate and grid point coordinates to generate an elevation grid **GM_AsciiImport_LidarPointCloud** = 3 Import as a Lidar point cloud **GM_AsciiImport_DistanceBearing** = 4 Import distance and bearing from a start location, creates series of points **GM_AsciiImport_Area** = 5 Create area features **GM_AsciiImport_DistanceBearingLine** = 6 Import distance and bearing from a start location, creates single line **GM_AsciiImport_DistBearingSegs** = 7 Import distance and bearing from a start location, create segment from start point to each point **GM_AsciiImport_LowranceSonar** = 8 **GM_AsciiImport_EarthExplorer** = 9 **GM_AsciiImport_SurferBLN** = 10 **GM_AsciiImport_Delft3D** = 11 **GM_AsciiImport_AtlasBNA** = 12 **GM_AsciiImport_NgaRotatedCoverage** = 13 NGA rotated coverage CSV from Glenn Steinkamp **GM_AsciiImport_ZmapIsomapLine** = 14 ZMap+ (Kingdom) Isomap Line/Contour Format **GM_AsciiImport_DeccWindSpeed** = 15 DECC Wind Speed Format (UK/Ireland) **GM_AsciiImport_LandmarkGraphics** = 16 Landmark Graphics Format **GM_AsciiImport_AerialFilmworks** = 17 Aerial Filmworks CSV File with Video Timestamps **GM_AsciiImport_USGSNatMapCoverage** = 18 USGS TNM (The National Map) Coverage File **GM_AsciiImport_NumTypes** = 19 Aliases **GM_AsciiImport_LastGenericFormat** = GM_AsciiImport_DistBearingSegs **GM_AsciiImport_FirstSpecialFormat** = GM_AsciiImport_LowranceSonar **GM_AsciiImport_DistBearingLine** = GM_AsciiImport_DistanceBearingLine **GM_AsciiImport_DistBearingPoints** = GM_AsciiImport_DistanceBearing **GM_AsciiImport_AreaOnly** = GM_AsciiImport_Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_LayerFetchFlags_t32 Settings flags for GetActiveLayers and FilterLayerList :values: **GM_LayerFetch_IncludeHidden** = 0x00000001 Include hidden layers **GM_LayerFetch_SingleUserCreated** = 0x00000002 Only return a single user created feature layer **GM_LayerFetch_IncludeFixedScreen** = 0x00000004 Include fixed screen location layers **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyElev** = 0x00000008 Only include elevation layers **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyRaster** = 0x00000010 Only include raster layers **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyVector** = 0x00000020 Only include vector layers **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyArea** = 0x00000040 Only include layers with area features **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyLidar** = 0x00000080 Only include layers with Lidar data **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyLine** = 0x00000100 Only include layers with line features **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyMesh** = 0x00000200 Only include layers with mesh (3D model) features **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyPoint** = 0x00000400 Only include layers with point data (not Lidar) **GM_LayerFetch_IncludeGridLines** = 0x00000800 Include grid line layer **GM_LayerFetch_IncludeActiveGPSTrack** = 0x00001000 Include the active GPS track layer (if any) **GM_LayerFetch_NoUserCreated** = 0x00002000 Don't include any user-created feature layers **GM_LayerFetch_ExportableOnly** = 0x00004000 Only include exportable layers **GM_LayerFetch_ExportableRenderOnly** = 0x00008000 Only include layers that can be exported to a rendered image (usually same as GM_LayerFetch_ExportableOnly) **GM_LayerFetch_NoParents** = 0x00010000 Don't include parent layers **GM_LayerFetch_NoRaster** = 0x00020000 Don't include raster layers **GM_LayerFetch_NoVector** = 0x00040000 Don't include vector layers **GM_LayerFetch_NoLidar** = 0x00080000 Don't include Lidar layers **GM_LayerFetch_IncClosingLayers** = 0x00100000 Include layers that are in the process of closing (OverlayClosing sent, but not OverlayClosed) **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyPalette** = 0x00200000 Only include raster layers based on a palette **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyGrayscale** = 0x00400000 Only include grayscale raster layers **GM_LayerFetch_NoGrayscale** = 0x00800000 Don't get any grayscale raster layers **GM_LayerFetch_IncludeMapLayoutIndex** = 0x01000000 Include the Map Layout Index overlay **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyAlwaysOnTop** = 0x02000000 Only include layers that are always on top **GM_LayerFetch_OnlyFixedScreen** = 0x04000000 Only include fixed-screen position layers **GM_LayerFetch_NoAllDeletedVector** = 0x08000000 Don't include vector layers that have all features deleted **GM_LayerFetch_Available** = 0x10000000 This flag bit is AVAILABLE for use **GM_LayerFetch_NoOnline** = 0x20000000 Exclude layers from on-line data sources **GM_LayerFetch_Reverse** = 0x40000000 Reverse the returned list order **GM_LayerFetch_OnlySelectable** = 0x80000000 Only include layers that we can select from **GM_LayerFetch_AllLayers** = GM_LayerFetch_IncludeHidden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_LayerFetchFlagsEx_t32 Extended settings flags for gm_GetActiveLayers and gm_FilterLayerList :values: **GM_LayerFetchEx_OnlyModified** = 0x00000001 Only include modified layers **GM_LayerFetchEx_OnlySaveToOrig** = 0x00000002 Only include layers that can save over themselves **GM_LayerFetchEx_IncludeEmptyLayers** = 0x00000004 Ok to include layers with no data (used to show newly created layers in a list) **GM_LayerFetchEx_IgnoreAnimateLayers** = 0x00000008 Do not filter out any animation layers (remove all the rest) **GM_LayerFetchEx_NoLabelLayers** = 0x00000010 Filter out all label layers **GM_LayerFetchEx_OnlyTinLayers** = 0x00000020 Only get TIN-face layers **GM_LayerFetchEx_OnlyEditable** = 0x00000040 Only get editable layers **GM_LayerFetchEx_Default** = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_LayerFlags_t32 Additional flags for a layer. Defaults should be 0. :values: **GM_LayerFlags_MeshWireframeOnly** = 0x0001 Only render a wireframe for mesh/model features, even when the mesh has a texture **GM_LayerFlags_MeshNoWireframe** = 0x0002 Do NOT render a wireframe for mesh/model features when zoomed in on them **GM_LayerFlags_MeshDontInterpolateTextures** = 0x0004 If the mesh/model has textures, do NOT use bilinear interpolate to sample the texture image rather than nearest neighbor **GM_LayerFlags_Animate** = 0x0008 Is the layer part of an animation set? **GM_LayerFlags_DisableSelection** = 0x0010 Do NOT allow features in this layer to be selected **GM_LayerFlags_DisableEdit** = 0x0020 Do NOT allow editing featues or data in this layer **GM_LayerFlags_Default** = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_LoadFlags_t32 Flags when loading new layers :values: **GM_LoadFlags_HideProgress** = 0x00000001 Don't show load progress **GM_LoadFlags_NoProjPrompt** = 0x00000002 Don't prompt the user for unknown projections **GM_LoadFlags_UseDefaultProj** = 0x00000004 Use default projection if none provided **GM_LoadFlags_HideWarnings** = 0x00000008 Hide any load warnings (load errors will still be displayed) **GM_LoadFlags_HideUnknownPrompt** = 0x00000010 Do not prompt the user to select the file type for unknown file formats **GM_LoadFlags_UseDefaultPos** = 0x00000020 Use default positioning if none provided (raster files only) **GM_LoadFlags_HideAllPrompts** = 0x00000040 Use the default value for any prompts that display during the load **GM_LoadFlags_SkipUnloadAll** = 0x00000080 Skip the first UNLOAD_ALL command at the start of a workspace being loaded **GM_LoadFlags_AssumeFileExists** = 0x00000100 Assume the file being loaded exists rather than checking for it. This speeds up loads from folders with large numbers of files **GM_LoadFlags_LoadMetadataOnly** = 0x00000200 Only load metadata from file **GM_LoadFlags_UseHiddenLayers** = 0x00000400 Load hidden layers if not showing layer prompt (i.e. for PDF import)? **GM_LoadFlags_ForceRectify** = 0x00000800 Force displaying manual rectification dialog (not implemented yet in SDK) **GM_LoadFlags_IsModelLoad** = 0x00001000 This is a load of a 3D model **GM_LoadFlags_NoPicturePos** = 0x00002000 Don't load image with EXIF data as a picture point **GM_LoadFlags_LoadUnknownAsImage** = 0x00004000 Force load of raster layer with unknown interpretation as an image layer vs. grid **GM_LoadFlags_LoadUnknownAsGrid** = 0x00008000 Force load of raster layer with unknown interpretation as a grid layer vs. image **GM_LoadFlags_OnlyPicturePos** = 0x00010000 Only load images with EXIF data as picture points. Fail images w/ no EXIF data. **GM_LoadFlags_NoEmptyError** = 0x00020000 Don't show error message about empty file. **GM_LoadFlags_No3dModels** = 0x00040000 Don't load 3D model layers embedded in GMP files **GM_LoadFlags_UseDefaultLoadOpts** = 0x00080000 Use default values for any load options that would generate a prompt (like Lidar load options) **GM_LoadFlags_NoBlendAllowed** = 0x00100000 Don't allow blending this layer with translucent layers drawn over it **GM_LoadFlags_DisableSplit** = 0x00200000 Ignore any options that would result in the layer being split on load (i.e. GM_MiscOpt_DGNImportByLevel or GM_MiscOpt_DWGImportByLayer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_OnlineSourceType_t Types of online sources :values: **GM_SourceType_WMS** = 0 **GM_SourceType_WMTS** = 1 Tiled WMS **GM_SourceType_WFS** = 2 **GM_SourceType_WCS** = 3 **GM_SourceType_IntermapWebSite** = 4 **GM_SourceType_OSM** = 5 OSM tile schema **GM_SourceType_TMS** = 6 TMS tile schema **GM_SourceType_GoogleMaps** = 7 Google Maps tile schema **GM_SourceType_SpatialOnDemand** = 8 **GM_SourceType_MapMart** = 9 **GM_SourceType_IntermapGMS** = 10 Streaming Intermap terrain **GM_SourceType_DigitalGlobeWMS** = 11 **GM_SourceType_ServerLimit** = 12 Limitations for a particular server **GM_SourceType_WebSite** = 13 Just a generic link to a web site (non-streaming) **GM_SourceType_External** = 14 External source file **GM_SourceType_GvlfLidar** = 15 GVLF Streaming Lidar **GM_SourceType_VWorldDEM** = 16 VirtualWorld (WorldWind) DEM **GM_SourceType_GeoPackage** = 17 GeoPackage SQLite database (not an online source) **GM_SourceType_MBTiles** = 18 MBTiles SQLite database (not an online source) **GM_SourceType_RMaps** = 19 RMaps SQLite database (not an online source) **GM_SourceType_REST_FeatureService** = 20 Esri RESTful data source, feature service **GM_SourceType_DynamicWFS** = 21 Dynamic list of WFS sources **GM_SourceType_DynamicWMS** = 22 Dynamic list of WMS sources **GM_SourceType_DynamicWMTS** = 23 Dynamic list of WMTS sources **GM_SourceType_MVT** = 24 MapBox Vector Tiles online source **GM_SourceType_Entwine** = 25 Entwine (EPT) Lidar source **GM_SourceType_DynamicEntwine** = 26 Dynamic list of Entwine (EPT) Lidar sources **GM_SourceType_NumTypes** = 27