Types for Exporting =================== The following types are used as parameters and return values in functions related to exporting GlobalMapper layers and workspaces. These types use fixed, numeric constants, which are defined here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ElevationExportFormat_t32 List of supported elevation export types :values: **GM_Export_GMG** = 0 Global Mapper Grid format **GM_Export_BIL** = 1 BIL format **GM_Export_Erdas_Elevation** = 2 Erdas Imagine IMG format with elevation data **GM_Export_Surfer_ASCII** = 3 Surfer ASCII Grid **GM_Export_Surfer_Binary_v6** = 4 Surfer Binary Grid v6 **GM_Export_Surfer_Binary_v7** = 5 Surfer Binary Grid v7 **GM_Export_DEM** = 6 USGS ASCII DEM format **GM_Export_XYZ_ASCII_Grid** = 7 XYZ ASCII Grid file **GM_Export_Arc_ASCII_Grid** = 8 Arc Info ASCII Grid format **GM_Export_ElevGeoTIFF** = 9 Vertical GeoTIFF format **GM_Export_DXF_Point** = 10 DXF 3D Point format **GM_Export_Float_Grid** = 11 Float/Grid format **GM_Export_DTED** = 12 DTED format **GM_Export_Vertical_Mapper_Grid** = 13 Vertical Mapper (MapInfo) grid format **GM_Export_Windsim_GWS** = 14 Windsim GWS **GM_Export_VRML** = 15 VRML **GM_Export_STL** = 16 STL (ASCII format) **GM_Export_STL_Binary** = 17 STL (binary format) **GM_Export_EsriGDB_Elevation** = 18 Esri Geodatabase **GM_Export_Vulcan_TIN** = 19 Vulcan .00t Triangulation **GM_Export_Geosoft_Grid** = 20 Geosoft Grid format **GM_Export_NumElevationFormats** = 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ExportOptsCADType_t8 CAD export type :values: **GM_CADType_DWG** = 0 AutoCAD DWG **GM_CADType_DXF** = 1 AutoCAD DXF **GM_CADType_BinaryDXF** = 2 AutoCAD Binary DXF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ExportOptsDWGVersion_t8 Versions for DWG export :values: **GM_ExportDWG_VerDefault** = 0 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC1_2** = 1 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC1_40** = 2 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC1_50** = 3 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC2_20** = 4 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC2_10** = 5 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC2_21** = 6 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC2_22** = 7 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1001** = 8 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1002** = 9 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC025** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1002 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1003** = 10 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC026** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1003 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1004** = 11 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC09** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1004 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1005** = 12 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1006** = 13 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC10** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1006 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1007** = 14 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1008** = 15 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1009** = 16 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC12** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1009 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1010** = 17 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1011** = 18 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1012** = 19 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC13** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1012 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1013** = 20 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC14beta=** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1013 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1014** = 21 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC14** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1014 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1500** = 22 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1015** = 23 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC15** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1015 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1800a** = 24 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1800** = 25 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC18** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1800 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver2100a** = 26 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1021** = 27 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC21** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1021 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver2400a** = 28 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1024** = 29 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC24** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1024 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver2700a** = 30 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1027** = 31 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC27** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1027 **GM_ExportDWG_Ver1032** = 33 **GM_ExportDWG_VerAC32** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1032 **GM_ExportDWG_VerNewest** = GM_ExportDWG_Ver1032 export the newest supported version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ExportOptsDXFFlags_t32 Flags to control DWG/DWG exports :values: **GM_ExportDXF_UseLabelsForLayers** = 0x00000001 Use feature labels, if present, for layer names rather than feature types/descriptions **GM_ExportDXF_UseZeroWidthLines** = 0x00000002 Export all lines as 0 width to prevent compatibility problems with some software **GM_ExportDXF_TextSizeAbsolute** = 0x00000004 Is the mTenPointFontHeight really the absolute height in file unit to make all text? **GM_ExportDXF_ExportElevLinesAs2D** = 0x00000008 Export lines with a single elevation (like contours) as 2D lines rather than 3D with a separate elevation for each vertex **GM_ExportDXF_AllowLongLabels** = 0x00000010 Don't truncate labels at 31 characters **GM_ExportDXF_ExportECEF** = 0x00000020 Export ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth Fixed) coordinates **GM_ExportDXF_PreserveAttributes** = 0x00000040 Preserve all feature attributes **GM_ExportDXF_UseLegacyExporter** = 0x00000080 Use the legacy DXF exporter from before Global Mapper (SDK) v22.0 **GM_ExportDXF_ExportProjection** = 0x00000100 Embed the current projection in the output DWG/DXF file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ExportOptsDXFLabels_t8 This enumeration lists the ways that line and area labels can be exported to DXF/DWG files. :values: **GM_ExportDXF_NoLabels** = 0 No line or area feature labels will be exported **GM_ExportDXF_LabelsAsPointsFeatureLayer** = 1 **GM_ExportDXF_LabelsAsPoints** = 2 Line and area feature labels will be exported as separate text entities in their own text layer **GM_ExportDXF_LabelsAsAttrs** = 3 Line and area feature labels will be exported as attributes of those entities **GM_ExportDXF_LabelsNumOpts** = 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ExportSamplingMethod_t16 Special definitions for export resampling :values: **GM_SAMPLING_EXPORT_DEFAULT** = 0x0000 Use default export resampling based on setting to auto or use layer **GM_SAMPLING_EXPORT_AUTOMATIC** = 0x0100 Use automatic resampling if enabled **GM_SAMPLING_EXPORT_KEEP_LAYER** = 0x0200 Use original layer resampling method **GM_SAMPLING_EXPORT_CUSTOM_MASK** = 0x8000 Use a specific resampling method. The lower 8 bits are a GM_SamplingMethod_t8 type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_LayerTypeFlags_t32 Export type flags for determining what type of layer/export we are doing. You can combine multiple of these in a single bit mask. :values: **GM_LayerType_ELEVATION** = 0x00000001 **GM_LayerType_RASTER** = 0x00000002 **GM_LayerType_VECTOR** = 0x00000004 **GM_LayerType_WEB** = 0x00000010 **GM_LayerType_DB_VECTOR** = 0x00000020 **GM_LayerType_DB_RASTER** = 0x00000040 **GM_LayerType_LIDAR** = 0x00000080 Does the format support Lidar point clouds? **GM_LayerType_3D** = 0x00000100 Is it a 3D model format? **GM_LayerType_SUPPORTS_NON_SPATIAL** = 0x00000200 Is it a format that supports non-spatial data? **GM_LayerType_FLYTHROUGH** = 0x00000400 Vector format that supports fly-through path data **GM_LayerType_AllTypes** = 0xFFFFFFFF Mask with all types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_PackageExportFlags_t32 Flags for package export :values: **GM_ExportPackage_LatLongWGS84** = 0x00000001 Export data in lat/lon/WGS84 coordinates rather than the current projection or native projection of each layer **GM_ExportPackage_DoublePrecision** = 0x00000002 Use double-precision coordinates for vector data. **GM_ExportPackage_DiscardAttributes** = 0x00000004 Discard vector feature attributes **GM_ExportPackage_HideProgress** = 0x00000008 Don't show export progress **GM_ExportPackage_KeepAllStyles** = 0x00000010 Keep all style information, even if features are using default style **GM_ExportPackage_UseNativeProj** = 0x00000020 Use the native projection for each layer rather than the current projection or lat/lon/WGS84 **GM_ExportPackage_CombineVectorLayers=** = 6 **GM_ExportPackage_ExtraElevPrecision** = 0x00000080 Store elevation values from elevation grid files with extra precision **GM_ExportPackage_EmbedImages** = 0x00000100 Embed associated images (primary image only, use GM_ExportPackage_EmbedImagesAll to embed all) **GM_ExportPackage_NoAreaFeatures** = 0x00000200 Don't export areas **GM_ExportPackage_NoLineFeatures** = 0x00000400 Don't export lines **GM_ExportPackage_NoPointFeatures** = 0x00000800 Don't export points **GM_ExportPackage_MobileFormat** = 0x00001000 Export using mobile format **GM_ExportPackage_IncludeThumbnail** = 0x00002000 Include a thumbnail image **GM_ExportPackage_UseJP2** = 0x00004000 Save raster layers as JPEG 2000 if RGB or GeoTIFF if palette based. **GM_ExportPackage_AlwaysUseJP2** = 0x00008000 Save all raster layers as JPEG 2000. Will lose palette info if given. Ignore GM_ExportPackage_UseJP2 flag. **GM_ExportPackage_SortLidar** = 0x00010000 Spatially sort Lidar point clouds for faster interaction with data. Note the original record number is lost when this is done. **GM_ExportPackage_ResampleExternally** = 0x00020000 If a layer has a resampling method set, export using nearest neighbor and auto-select resampling method at load time **GM_ExportPackage_KeepHiddenFeatures** = 0x00040000 Include all features even if they are unchecked in a type filter or otherwise hidden **GM_ExportPackage_IgnoreBounds** = 0x00080000 Ignore the export bounds, include the full layer for all passed in data (can be useful if some data isn't really projected) **GM_ExportPackage_IncludeViewBounds** = 0x00100000 Include view bounds (for GMM 2.2 or later) **GM_ExportPackage_EmbedImagesAll** = 0x00200000 Embed all image files referenced in feature attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_PDFExportFlags_t32 This enumeration lists various flags for a PDF export :values: **GM_PDF_FillPage** = 0x00000001 Expand export bounds to fill page **GM_PDF_Landscape** = 0x00000002 Use landscape orientation **GM_PDF_UseFilenamesForLayers** = 0x00000004 Use name of file features are from for layer names instead of feature type name **GM_PDF_BorderStyleValid** = 0x00000008 Use border style settings **GM_PDF_HideProgress** = 0x00000010 Disable progress display during export **GM_PDF_NoJPGCompression** = 0x00000020 Don't use JPG compression for images **GM_PDF_DontIncludeMapLayout** = 0x00000040 Don't include map layout elements like distance scale, elevation legend, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_RasterExportFlags_t32 Flags for raster (i.e. GeoTIFF, JPG) image and elevation grid export :values: *General export flags* **GM_ExportFlags_GenWorldFile** = 0x00000001 Generate a world file **GM_ExportFlags_GenPRJFile** = 0x00000002 Generate a projection (PRJ) file **GM_ExportFlags_GenTABFile** = 0x00000004 Generate a MapInfo TAB file **GM_ExportFlags_Grayscale** = 0x00000008 Generate a grayscale image (raster only) **GM_ExportFlags_Palette** = 0x00000010 Generate a paletted image (raster only) **GM_ExportFlags_HideProgress** = 0x00000020 Don't show export progress **GM_ExportFlags_JPGinTIFF** = 0x00000040 Create a JPG compressed GeoTIFF file (GM_Export_GeoTIFF format only) **GM_ExportFlags_FillSmallGaps** = 0x00000080 Fill small gaps in data when exporting elevation data **GM_ExportFlags_AllowLossy** = 0x00000100 Allow lossy export to GMG **GM_ExportFlags_16BitSamples** = 0x00000200 Use signed 16-bit integer elevation values (GM_Export_BIL and GM_Export_Erdas_Elevation formats only) **GM_ExportFlags_UseLZW** = 0x00000400 Use LZW compression for GeoTIFF file (GM_Export_GeoTIFF format only) **GM_ExportFlags_NoTransparent** = 0x00000800 Don't mark background pixels transparent for PNG file (GM_Export_PNG format only) **GM_ExportFlags_AddAlpha** = 0x00001000 Add an alpha channel to formats that support it (need for GM_Export_GeoTIFF [24-bit only], enabled by default for GM_Export_PNG) **GM_ExportFlags_SeparateVectorLayers** = 0x00002000 Draw each vector separately rather than drawing all at once when exporting vector data **GM_ExportFlags_HidePartialLabels** = 0x00004000 Don't draw any labels that are only partially within the export box **GM_ExportFlags_ExportSlopeValues** = 0x00008000 Export slope values rather than elevation values (GM_Export_FloatGrid only) **GM_ExportFlags_ExportSlopeDirValues** = 0x00010000 Export slope direction values rather than elevation values (GM_Export_FloatGrid only) **GM_ExportFlags_UseEsriHdrFormat** = 0x00020000 Export ESRI format HDR for GM_Export_BIL format **GM_ExportFlags_BigEndian** = 0x00040000 Save big endian elevation samples for GM_Export_BIL format **GM_ExportFlags_ForceSquareSamples** = 0x00080000 Force square samples in the export. The provided pixel dimensions will be altered to get close, then the provided bounds will grow in one direction to make this happen **GM_ExportFlags_NoCompression** = 0x00100000 Disable compression (GM_Export_GeoTIFF format only) **GM_ExportFlags_UseRGBIfTooManyColors=** = 21 **GM_ExportFlags_SkipEmpty** = 0x00400000 Abort if empty **GM_ExportFlags_GenAuxXmlFile** = 0x00800000 Generate an ESRI .aux.xml file with the projection in it **GM_ExportFlags_UseDeflate** = 0x01000000 Use Deflate/Zip compression for GeoTIFF file (GM_Export_GeoTIFF format only) **GM_ExportFlags_ExcludeVectorLayers** = 0x02000000 Should we exclude any vector layers from the export? **GM_ExportFlags_IncludeMapLayout** = 0x04000000 Should we include enabled map layout elements like distance scale, elevation legend, legend, etc.? **GM_ExportFlags_UseNearBlack** = 0x08000000 Export pixels that are almost black instead of black, i.e., change RGB(0,0,0) to RGB(1,1,1) (GM_Export_GeoTIFF, RGB export only) *Flags for choosing best out of provided raster layers for export* **GM_ExportFlags_BestRasterLayers** = 0x10000000 Only draw the best raster layers for this zoom scale **GM_ExportFlags_BestRasterLayersHiRes=** = 0x30000000 **GM_ExportFlags_LowResRasterLayers** = 0x20000000 Only draw the lowest resolution raster layers **GM_ExportFlags_HiResRasterLayers** = 0x40000000 Only draw the highest resolution raster layers **GM_ExportFlags_BestRasterChart** = 0x50000000 Only draw the best raster chart (this is tuned for marine chart display) *Definitions for masks of various option bits* **GM_ExportFlags_RasterMask** = 0xF0000000 Mask for raster draw options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_RasterExportFormat_t32 List of supported raster export types :values: **GM_Export_GeoTIFF** = 0 GeoTIFF format **GM_Export_JPG** = 1 JPG format **GM_Export_PNG** = 2 PNG format **GM_Export_Erdas_Imagine** = 3 Erdas Imagine IMG format **GM_Export_BMP** = 4 BMP (Windows) format **GM_Export_ECW** = 5 ECW format **GM_Export_BIL_Raster** = 6 BIL format raster (RGB or grayscale) **GM_Export_JPEG2000** = 7 JPEG 2000 format **GM_Export_NITF** = 8 NITF format **GM_Export_BIP** = 9 BIP format raster (band interleaved pixel) **GM_Export_BSQ** = 10 BSQ format raster (band sequential) **GM_Export_EsriGDB_Raster** = 11 Esri Geodatabase **GM_Export_CADRG_CIB** = 12 CADRG/CIB (RPF) format (NOTE: must use GM_ExportRasterEx for this format to provide additional parameters) **GM_Export_GMG_WebTiles** = 13 Global Mapper Grid (GMG) format used as web tiles **GM_Export_NumRasterFormats** = 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_VectorExportFlags_t32 Flags for vector (i.e. DXF, Shapefile) export :values: **GM_VectorExportFlags_GenPRJFile** = 0x00000001 Generate a projection (PRJ) file **GM_VectorExportFlags_HideProgress** = 0x00000002 Don't show export progress **GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportAreas** = 0x00000004 Export area features **GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportLines** = 0x00000008 Export line features **GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportPoints** = 0x00000010 Export point/text features **GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportAttrs** = 0x00000020 Export feature attributes (when applicable) **GM_VectorExportFlags_Export3D** = 0x00000040 Export 3D features if applicable **GM_VectorExportFlags_NoHeaderRow** = 0x00000080 (GM_Export CSV only) Don't include a header row **GM_VectorExportFlags_IncludeLatLonCols** = 0x00000100 (GM_Export CSV only) Include latitude and longitude columns **GM_VectorExportFlags_NoLatLonFormatting** = 0x00000200 (GM_Export CSV only) Export lat/lon columns as raw numbers (i.e. no breaking into DD MM SS, etc.) **GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportMGRS** = 0x00000400 (GM_Export CSV only) Export MGRS column **GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportAll** = GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportAreas | GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportLines | GM_VectorExportFlags_ExportPoints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_VectorExportFormat_t32 List of supported vector export types :values: **GM_Export_DXF** = 0 DXF format - use GM_ExportOptsDXF_DWG_t for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector (can be gm.NULL) **GM_Export_Shapefile** = 1 Shapefile format - use GM_ExportOptsSHP_t for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector (can be gm.NULL) **GM_Export_KML** = 2 KML format - use GM_ExportOptsKML_t for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector (can be gm.NULL) - pass .KMZ filename to create KMZ file **GM_Export_MapInfo_MIF** = 3 MapInfo MIF/MID format - pass gm.NULL for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector **GM_Export_MapInfo_TAB** = 4 MapInfo TAB/MAP format - pass gm.NULL for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector **GM_Export_WaspMap** = 5 WaSP Map format - pass gm.NULL for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector **GM_Export_SimpleText** = 6 Simple ASCII Text file format - use GM_ExportOptsSimpleText_t for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector (can be gm.NULL) **GM_Export_CSV** = 7 CSV file format - pass gm.NULL for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector **GM_Export_SVG** = 8 SVG file format - pass gm.NULL for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector **GM_Export_SpatialDB** = 9 Spatial database table **GM_Export_DWG** = 10 DWG format - use GM_ExportOptsDXF_DWG_t for *aFormatOptions* parameter to GM_ExportVector (can be gm.NULL) **GM_Export_NumVectorFormats** = 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_WebExportFlags_t32 This type represents flags available for web format exports :values: **GM_WebExport_NoTransparency** = 0x00000001 Don't use transparency in exported files **GM_WebExport_DisplayResults** = 0x00000002 Automatically load the results in a web browser/viewer **GM_WebExport_HideProgress** = 0x00000004 Don't show export progress **GM_WebExport_AddScaleBar** = 0x00000008 Add scale bar control (Google Maps only) **GM_WebExport_AddMapTypeControl** = 0x00000010 Add map type selector control (Google Maps only) **GM_WebExport_AddOverviewMap** = 0x00000020 Add overview map control (Google Maps only) **GM_WebExport_AutoGrid** = 0x00000040 Automatically grid for display (KML only - super overlays) **GM_WebExport_SkipEmptyTiles** = 0x00000080 Don't export empty tiles **GM_WebExport_WWUseJavaFilenames** = 0x00000100 Use filenames for WorldWind Java edition **GM_WebExport_WWTransparentTiles** = 0x00000200 Create transparent tiles **GM_WebExport_SkipExistingTiles** = 0x00000400 Skip existing tiles **GM_WebExport_FillToTileBounds** = 0x00000800 Fill to tile bounds **GM_WebExport_NoHtmlFile** = 0x00001000 Just export tiles, no HTML file **GM_WebExport_ForcePalettePNG** = 0x00002000 Always create 8-bit palette PNG files **GM_WebExport_DontDeleteCancel** = 0x00004000 Don't delete already exported tiles on cancel **GM_WebExport_OnlyGetTileCount** = 0x00008000 Just get estimated count of tiles that would be exported and save in mTileCount pointer in web export structure **GM_WebExport_SaveVectorData** = 0x00010000 Save vector data if loaded **GM_WebExport_GenWorldFiles** = 0x00020000 Generate world files for each tile **GM_WebExport_FullTilesOnly** = 0x00040000 Only export fully covered tiles **GM_WebExport_ForceTransPNG** = 0x00080000 Force any transparent tiles to export as PNG **GM_WebExport_CreateRowFolders** = 0x00100000 Create separate folders for each row of tiles **GM_WebExport_ClampToDataRes** = 0x00200000 For a tiled GMG (terrain) export, clamp the most detailed zoom layer to the spacing of the input data rather than tile zoom resolution. **GM_WebExport_LatLonWGS84Tiles** = 0x00400000 Use lat/lon/WGS84 tile schema rather than Web Mercator **GM_WebExport_AllowTileFillCrop** = 0x00800000 Don't ignore any crop areas for the export when GM_WebExport_FillToTileBounds is provided ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_WebExportFormat_t32 List of supported web export types :values: **GM_Export_GoogleMaps** = 0 Google Maps format **GM_Export_VirtualEarth** = 1 Virtual Earth (Bing Maps) format **GM_Export_KMLRaster** = 2 KML/KMZ raster format **GM_Export_WorldWind** = 3 WorldWind tile format **GM_Export_TMS** = 4 TMS (Tile Map Service) tile format **GM_Export_OSM** = 5 OSM (OpenStreetMap) tile format **GM_Export_MBTiles** = 6 MBTiles format **GM_Export_RMaps** = 7 RMaps format **GM_Export_Zoomify** = 8 Zoomify web format **GM_Export_GeoPackage** = 9 GeoPackage tiles **GM_Export_MBVTiles** = 10 MapBox Vector Tiles format **GM_Export_NumWebFormats** = 11 **GM_Export_BingMaps** = GM_Export_VirtualEarth Bing Maps format