Types for Display and Drawing ============================= The following types are used as parameters and return values in functions related to display features and drawing within GlobalMapper. These types use fixed, numeric constants, which are defined here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_BlendMode_t8 This type represents the different blend modes available :values: **GM_BlendMode_None** = 0 **GM_BlendMode_Multiple** = 1 **GM_BlendMode_Screen** = 2 **GM_BlendMode_Overlay** = 3 **GM_BlendMode_HardLight** = 4 **GM_BlendMode_ColorBurn** = 5 **GM_BlendMode_ColorDodge** = 6 **GM_BlendMode_ApplyColor** = 7 **GM_BlendMode_ApplyColorReverse** = 8 **GM_BlendMode_Darken** = 9 **GM_BlendMode_Lighten** = 10 **GM_BlendMode_Difference** = 11 **GM_BlendMode_Exclusion** = 12 **GM_BlendMode_KeepRedChannel** = 13 **GM_BlendMode_KeepGreenChannel** = 14 **GM_BlendMode_KeepBlueChannel** = 15 **GM_BlendMode_SpotNaturalColor** = 16 view SPOT images as natural color **GM_BlendMode_PsuedoNaturalColor** = 17 simple weighted average **GM_BlendMode_ColorToGrayscale** = 18 convert RGB color image to grayscale in GlobalMapperInterface.h, which should match this. **GM_BlendMode_NumModes** = 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ColorFormat_t32 List of supported color formats for GM_DrawLayerListToMemory :values: **GM_ColorFormat_32Bit_ABGR** = 0 32-bit color (alpha, blue, green, red) **GM_ColorFormat_32Bit_ARGB** = 1 32-bit color (alpha, red, green, blue) **GM_ColorFormat_16Bit_565** = 2 16-bit color (5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue) **GM_ColorFormat_24Bit_BGR** = 3 24-bit color (blue, green, red) **GM_ColorFormat_24Bit_RGB** = 4 24-bit color (red, green, blue) **GM_ColorFormat_NumFormats** = 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ContrastMode_t8 This type represents the different contrast adjustment modes that are available :values: **GM_Contrast_None** = 0 No contrast adjustments **GM_Contrast_PercentageStretch** = 1 Stretch within some std-dev of mean to 0-255 range **GM_Contrast_RangeStretch** = 2 Stretch entire valid range to 0-255 range **GM_Contrast_NumModes** = 3 Count of contrast modes available **GM_Contrast_DefaultAuto** = GM_Contrast_PercentageStretch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_CustomShaderFlags_t32 This type represents flags available for custom shaders :values: **GM_CustomShader_DontBlend** = 0x00000001 Don't blend colors between elevation values **GM_CustomShader_StretchToRange** = 0x00000002 Stretch custom shader to cover valid elevation range **GM_CustomShader_ShadeSlopes** = 0x00000004 Shade slopes of terrain rather than elevation values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_DrawFlags_t32 Flags to control the GM_DrawLayerList and GM_DrawPackageList operations :values: **GM_DrawFlags_BestRasterLayers** = 0x00000001 Only draw the best raster layers for this zoom scale **GM_DrawFlags_BestRasterLayersHiRes** = 0x00000003 Same as GM_DrawFlags_BestRasterLayers, only it shows higher resolution layers a bit sooner **GM_DrawFlags_LowResRasterLayers** = 0x00000002 Only draw the lowest resolution raster layers **GM_DrawFlags_HiResRasterLayers** = 0x00000004 Only draw the highest resolution raster layers **GM_DrawFlags_BestRasterChart** = 0x00000005 Only draw the best raster chart (this is tuned for marine chart display) **GM_DrawFlags_EraseBackground** = 0x00000100 Erase the background with the current background color (GM_SetBackgroundColor) **GM_DrawFlags_HideAreas** = 0x00000200 Do not draw any area or mesh (3D model) features from vector layers **GM_DrawFlags_HideLines** = 0x00000400 Do not draw any line features from vector layers **GM_DrawFlags_HidePoints** = 0x00000800 Do not draw any point features from vector layers **GM_DrawFlags_SeparateVectorLayers** = 0x00001000 Draw each vector separately rather than drawing all at once. **GM_DrawFlags_HideLabels** = 0x00002000 Do not label any rendered features **GM_DrawFlags_DontMaintainAspectRatio=** = 11 **GM_DrawFlags_HidePartialLabels** = 0x00008000 Hide labels that are not entirely in the draw window **GM_DrawFlags_ShowRenderProgress** = 0x00010000 Show render progress dialog or call progress callback if provided **GM_DrawFlags_HideExtraIconText** = 0x00020000 Hide any extra text shown below road icons **GM_DrawFlags_HideNonIconRoadLabels** = 0x00040000 Hide any road line labels that are not iconized **GM_DrawFlags_RenderVertices** = 0x00080000 Render vertices for area and line features **GM_DrawFlags_IncrementalRender** = 0x00100000 Do an incremental render so that draw progress can be seen as layers complete rendering **GM_DrawFlags_NoAutoInterpolation** = 0x00200000 Disable automatic interpolation of rasters at intermediate zoom ranges (results in faster renders w/ less quality) **GM_DrawFlags_DrawMapLayoutLayers** = 0x00400000 Render any map layout layers that are enabled, like elevation legend, distance scale, feature legend, margins, and north arrow **GM_DrawFlags_Hide3DFeatures** = 0x00800000 Don't draw any 3D features on the 2D map **GM_DrawFlags_NoValidBgColorPixels** = 0x01000000 If set ensures that no valid pixels in the output will have the background color. This means rendered pixels that would have that color are adjusted by 1 so they don't exactly match. **GM_DrawFlags_OnlyLoadedLayers** = 0x02000000 Don't load new maps in map catalog for this draw if set **GM_DrawFlags_HideSelFeatures** = 0x04000000 Don't draw any selected features on the 2D map **GM_DrawFlags_IgnoreTypeFilter** = 0x08000000 Ignore any current draw filters and just draw all vector features (subject to 'deleted' flag) **GM_DrawFlags_RasterMask** = 0x00000007 Mask for raster draw options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_FontBackground_t8 This type represents the different font background options :values: **GM_Font_BgAuto** = 0 Automatically choose transparent or opaque background (all transparent except when centered on line) **GM_Font_BgOpaque** = 1 Fill label background with current background color **GM_Font_BgTransparent** = 2 Make label background transparent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_MapCatalogDisplayType_t8 Display type for map catalog :values: **GM_MapCatalog_DisplayTypePercent** = 0 **GM_MapCatalog_DisplayTypePixelSize** = 1 **GM_MapCatalog_DisplayTypeScale** = 2 **GM_MapCatalog_DisplayTypeScaleRange** = 3 **GM_MapCatalog_NumDisplayTypes** = 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_MapCatalogMapOpt_t8 Options for map catalog :values: **GM_MapCatalog_SetMapProjection** = 0 Set the native projection of the map at the given index. Data is GM_Projection_t* **GM_MapCatalog_NumMapOpts** = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_MapLayoutPiece_t8 Type defining map layout pieces that can be saved out to a bitmap file with GM_ExportMapLayoutComponent :values: **GM_MapLayout_Scale** = 0 Distance scale bar **GM_MapLayout_ElevLegend** = 1 Elevation legend **GM_MapLayout_MapLegend** = 2 Map legend with vector types and/or palette **GM_MapLayout_NumPieceTypes** = 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_PixelTransFlags_t8 Flags for the type of pixel translucency :values: **GM_PixelTrans_None** = 0x00 No per-pixel translucency **GM_PixelTrans_Alpha** = 0x01 An alpha channel (last band in file) is present **GM_PixelTrans_AssociatedAlpha** = 0x02 Alpha channel is associated (any non-zero value is opaque, used by TIFF) **GM_PixelTrans_InvalidPixels** = 0x04 Has invalid pixels or areas (but not a full alpha) **GM_PixelTrans_SpecialVal** = 0x08 Format has a special value or palette index that is transparent (i.e. PNG sometimes uses this) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_PosDisplayFormat_t8 Misc. advanced options flags used with GM_Utility.SetMiscOptionEx :values: **GM_POS_LatLonDecimal** = 0 Display/save lat/lon as dd.ddddddd [always positive, include hemisphere indicator] **GM_POS_LatLonDMS** = 1 Display/save lat/lon as dd mm ss.ss **GM_POS_LatLonDM** = 2 Display/save lat/lon as dd mm.mmm **GM_POS_MGRS** = 3 Display/save lat/lon as MGRS **GM_POS_LatLonDecimalPlain** = 4 Display/save lat/lon as +/-dd.ddddddd [no hemisphere indicator, West/South are negative] **GM_POS_NUM_TYPES** = 5 Number of advanced option flags **GM_POS_Default** = GM_POS_LatLonDMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_SelectProjFlags_t32 List of flags for selecting a projection :values: **GM_SelectProj_NoInterplanetaryDatums** = 0x00000001 Do not display interplanetary datums in projection selection dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_ShaderBlendingAlg_t8 Ways to blend the intensity when using multiple light sources. :values: **GM_BLENDING_ALG_AVERAGE** = 0 **GM_BLENDING_ALG_MAXIMUM** = 1 **GM_BLENDING_ALG_MINIMUM** = 2 **GM_BLENDING_ALG_WEIGHTED_AVERAGE** = 3 **GM_BLENDING_NUM_TYPES** = 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. py:data:: globalmapper.GM_RotationSense_t16 This type is OR'd with the mRotation member of the GM_PointStyle_t structure to specify symbol rotation sense. :values: **GM_RotateSense_TopOfMap** = 0x0000 Rotation is to top of map (default) **GM_RotateSense_TrueNorth** = 0x1000 Rotation is relative to true north **GM_RotateSense_MagNorth** = 0x2000 Rotation is relative to magnetic north **GM_RotateSense_Mask** = 0xF000 **GM_RotateAngle_Mask** = 0x0FFF