The EXPORT_WEB command exports all currently loaded data to a tiled web format. The following parameters are supported by the command.

  • FILENAME - output file name. For Google Maps, Bing, and OSM, this is the name of the HTML file that will be used to display the tiles. For TMS, this is the name of the XML file that contains the tile info. For KML Raster, this is the name of the KML/KMZ file. For MBTiles, this is the name of the SQLite database, with an extension of ".mbtiles". For RMaps, this is the name of the SQLite database, with an extension of ".sqlite". In all of these cases, the EXPORT_WEB command will create a new output file.
  • EXPORT_LAYER - filename or description of layer(s) to export. By default all compatible and exportable layers are exported. You can include multiple EXPORT_LAYER parameters if you have multiple masks to search. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. Hidden layers are not considered.
  • TYPE - type of vector file we're exporting to
    • GOOGLE_MAPS - Google Maps Tiles
    • VIRTUAL_EARTH - Bing/Virtual Earth Tiles
    • KML_RASTER - KML file with all data in a raster
    • WORLDWIND - World Wind Tiles
    • TMS - Tile Mapping Service tiles
    • OSM - Open Street Maps Tiles
    • MBTILES - MapBox MBTiles SQLite Database
    • RMAPS - RMaps SQLite Database
  • NUM_ZOOM_LEVELS - contains the number of zoom levels to be created. The default is 5.
  • MAP_NAME - user-defined name for the map.
  • IMAGE_FORMAT - is the format to be used for the images. Choices are "PNG", "JPG"and "GMG". The default is "PNG". To export terrain tiles using the Global Mapper Grid (GMG) format, use IMAGE_FORMAT="GMG".
  • QUALITY - For JPG format images specify the quality
  • BG_MAP_NAME (Google Maps tiles only) - type of map to use as the background:
    • ROADMAP - Road map
    • SATELLITE - Satellite imagery
    • HYBRID - Combination of ROADMAP and SATELLITE
    • TERRAIN - Terrain map
  • TRANSLUCENCY - amount of translucency for the tiles. The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 is Opaque, and the image gets more translucent as the numbers get lower. 0.0 is treated the same as 1.0. The default is 1.0.
  • TILE_PATH - contains the directory where the tiles should be stored. If this is not specified, the tiles will be written to the directory specified for the FILENAME parameter.
  • CUSTOM_TILE_FILENAME - custom definition for tile filenames. Use variables %z for zoom, %x for column, and %y for row. For example, use "%z\\prefix_%y_%x.png" to create one folder per zoom level. The tiles will be created in the path under the HTML filename path.
  • TILE_SIZE - use this to override the default tile size for the selected TYPE. This value specifies the size of each tile in the resulting tile set. For example, using TILE_SIZE=1024 will result in tiles of size 1024x1024 being created rather than the default (typically 256x256).
  • MBT_DESCRIPTION (MBTiles only) - map description that will be added to the MBTiles metadata .
  • MBT_MAP_TYPE (MBTiles only)- indicates the type of map . Valid values are (default is "overlay"):
    • BASEMAP - This map will be the base map.
    • OVERLAY - This map will overlay another map.
  • SPATIAL_RES - specifies spatial resolution. Defaults to the minimum spatial resolution of the two layers if not specified. Should be formatted as x_resolution,y_resolution. The units are the units of the current global projection. For example, if UTM was the current global projection and you wanted to export at 30 meter spacing, the parameter/ value pair would look like SPATIAL_RES=30.0,30.0. You can also specify as a percentage of the default resolution by adding a percent. For example to get half the detail your double the spatial resolution value, so you would use SPATIAL_RES="200%,200%".
  • SPATIAL_RES_METERS - specifies spatial resolution to use in meters. The value in meters will automatically be converted to the current view/ export projection units. For example, to do an export at 2.0 meter spacing (or as close as you can get to that in the current units), use SPATIAL_RES_METERS=2.0, or to do an export at 1.0 meters in X by 1.5 meters in Y, use SPATIAL_RES_METERS="1.0,1.5".
  • PIXEL_SIZE - specifies the desired size in pixels of your export. Use this instead of SPATIAL_RES if you know exactly how many pixels in size your export should be. The format is PIXEL_SIZE="widthxheight". For example, to make your export have dimensions of 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels tall, use PIXEL_SIZE="1024x768".

The following parameters accept boolean values ("YES" or "NO") to turn on or off the associated option (the default is no, but by listing the parameter it will be set to yes).

  • WEB_NO_TRANSPARENCY - Do not use transparent background pixels
  • WEB_HIDE_PROGRESS - Hide the progress bar windows
  • WEB_ADD_SCALE_BAR (Google Maps Only) - Add a scale bar to the map
  • WEB_ADD_MAP_TYPE_CONTROL (Google Maps Only) - Add a map type control
  • WEB_ADD_OVERVIEW_MAP (Google Maps Only) - Add an Overview Map
  • WEB_AUTO_GRID (KML Raster only) - Create a default grid
  • WEB_SKIP_EMPTY_TILES - Skip tiles that have no data
  • WEB_USE_JAVA_FILE_NAMES (World Wind only) - Create names for World Wind Java
  • WEB_TRANSPARENT_TILES - Make the image tiles transparent
  • WEB_SKIP_EXISTING_TILES - Skip tiles that already exist (resuming export)
  • WEB_FILL_TO_TILE_BOUNDS - Fill the tiles to the bounds
  • WEB_NO_HTML_FILE - Generate tiles only, no HTML file
  • WEB_FORCE_PALETTE_PNG - Force the PNG to have palette instead of RGB
  • WEB_FULL_TILES_ONLY - Only export tiles that are fully covered
  • WEB_USE_LAT_LON_TILES - if provided, the tiles will be exported in the lat/lon/WGS84 (EPSG 4326) projection rather than Web Mercator