Installing Global Mapper

The latest version of Global Mapper is available for download at the following location:

The 64-bit version of the application is recommended for users with 64-bit operating systems, as processing will be faster.

Both versions of the application may be installed on the same machine and run side-by-side. They will share the same license file.

The daily build of Global Mapper is also available and provides access to product development between the official releases:

Global Mapper can be installed Locally for each user or Globally for all users. The default is to install locally for each user, but using a global install may be beneficial for organizations looking to install the program so that Global Mapper may be accessed through many user accounts on the machine.

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Advanced Installation

Silent Install

The EXE install includes the following command line arguments:

Silent "<setup.exe> /s"

Log "<setup.exe> /l=<logfile.ext>"

Administrative Install

Global Mapper is also available as an MSI File. This file is for administrative installation of Global Mapper for deployment across systems. This installer uses MSIExec, and the available options can be found here. Not all of these options are included. It does not support administrative installs. An example of a quiet install with no user interface would be:

"msiexec -i GlobalMapper.msi /qn"

Network License Connection

Once a machine has been connected to a network license, the path to the license server is stored in a *.lic file in C:\ProgramData\GlobalMapper\ . Make sure a borrow is not specified in the file (it can be read with a plain text editor like Notepad).

This file can be copied to the same path on all end user machines to automatically connect to the network license.

Known Security Vulnerabilities

There are no known security vulnerabilities in the current version of Global Mapper.

Fixed Security Vulnerabilities

Secunia Advisory SA 51510/CVE-2013-0727 - Issue with dwmapi.dll - Fixed in v16.0

Advisory (CVE-2010-3599) - Security Vulnerability in NCSECW.dll - Fixed in v15.2